ok I have questions regarding simony, spell shop, and stats for buff…
scroll lvl skill depend on simony lvl? (ex: heal lvl 1 + simony lvl 15 = heal scroll lvl 15, while heal lvl 15 + simony lvl 1 = heal scroll lvl 1?)
is it the pardoner stats or the user stats that influence the skills? (ex: if we go full spr and selling the zalcia or monstrance skill…will the user/buyer get the bonus?)
is attribute will be available for the scroll? (ex: daino duration attribute will be availabe for the user/buyer?)
is spellshop only for buffs?
is stats from pardoner will influence the buffs?
is the attribute will be applied for the buffs at spell shop?
sorry for the bad english…but i hope you can help me answer these questions and maybe help others that confuse about pardoner skill