Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin Smite/Coviction in KTOS

I found this today:

- Monsters converted through Paladin’s Conversion will have improved AI.
- Smite
: Skill Damage Increased.
: AOE Attack Ratio Increased.
- Conviction
: Skill damage Increased.
: AOE attack ratio increased.
- When an enemy is suffering from [Conviction] Smite deals 3 consecutive hits.
- Turn Undead
: Fixed an issue where Turn Undead was dealing Strike property attacks.
: Fixed issue where enemies were being killed in a wide area.
: Cooldown Reduced.
: Skill range increased
: The skill now applies to [Skill LVL * 1]Targets, From [3 + SkillLVL * 1]Targets

So…in KTOS smite damage has increased and will deal 3 hits to players affected by conviction(wich was also buffed) this is huge burst damage, will we see more STR paladins with this buff ? Will they be viable as a dps ?

… this, but no buff for sadhu??? are they blind???

The paladin changes you’ve noted there are already applied to iTOS.

Paladin also needed damage buffs, but yeah…OOB still sucks in KTOS atm.

We have that change already here. iTOS has all of the kTOS patches from before 3/24.

Was not aware of that. Whats the base damage for lvl 15 smite right now ?

@edit: I have a STR Priest C3, but I can’t decide for monk or paladin.

1771, According to my Tooltip.

Conviction deals 2 hits (1k base damage) then smite hits 3x 1.7k ? Can you confirm this for me ?

Also, are you enjoying your paladin ? What build did you choose?


Currently i’m not playing it, re-rolled another character to play with my friend.
I did enjoy doing what i did though, bugs aside.

Cler 3 Pal 3

130 STR, 130 SPR, ~80 CON

Yes, your character swings sideways motion 2x, the debuff will apply on the first hit too.

Yes, hitting 3 times if the enemy is under [Conviction] Debuff,
The damage is strange. The bonus strength on demon / mutant only applies in the first of the 3 hits. the other 2 seem to be normal, but the damage is strong regardless, on racial targets.

If you go paladin, i recommend to get the damage enhance up for it at least lvl 30 so that you can 1hit any demon / mutant you come across… that’s how it was for me at least. I had it lvl 5 until Rank 6 without trouble.