Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin - Inquisitor or Krivis - Paladin - Zealot?

Hi, i’m a bit lost and i’d like to do a build that involves paladin, but i don’t know what would go better

Plan1: Paladin C3 - Inquisitor C3 core stats: Dex, Con, Str.
Plan2: Krivis 3-Paladin3-Zealot3 core stats: ¿?

Inquisitor has a better sinergy with paladin, as both are str based and godsmash works with conviction.
Not to mention the judgement that turns your enemy into demons.

Paladin3 - Zealot 3, IMO doesnt really makes much sense, unless you go full SPR for a very weak paladin, but somewhat usefull barrier, as it scales off spirit. However, that isnt required at all.

Also, Krivis shines with zealot a lot, but that paladin 3 is a waste.

This works fine. However, what’s hilarious with this build is that you get a Healing factor that’s like 3x lower than any wizard which doesn’t even have a healing skill :wink: