Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin/Inquisitor dreams

defensive buff on paladin are a joke pls a bit of a buff wont be so bad ye?

Also every class have that weapon to +2 ( many classes do) on all skills meanwhile paladin and inquis got a +2 on X skill why not + 2 on all paladin and inquisitor skills :smiley: just saying, stats on the asio 2h mace are bad enough no con, low str :frowning: …

Im pretty sure Inquis got the worst art if not one of the worst , and exos shine brighter than ever pls rework the art its a waste of blessed gems, pages and atribute points

Just compare this 2 skills Swordman Base class lvl 8 bear (gem +durandal ) vs stone skin lvl 16 ( gem equiped )


i feel you brother of crappy art, i feel you :frowning:

Stone Skin is a joke. As Paladin, you don’t want to waste 15 skill points for 10% damage reduction. Those points are better wasted elsewhere :slight_smile:

ye ima switch it out to restoration i got the cloth heal arts anyways so … :frowning:

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