Tree of Savior Forum

Paladin Conversion skill still really buggy

I refer to the following report from November last year:

As of now, the skill is still bugged, making it horribly unwieldy and almost impossible to use.

When the skill is used to convert mobs, 1 of the following happens:

  1. Converted mob behaves as intended
  2. Converted mob does not follow the player and attacks enemies within range
  3. Converted mob does not follow the player and does not attack
  4. Converted mob disappears mysteriously after a brief amount of time

The strangest thing is that after a long time has passed(possibly 10 minutes or more), SOMETIMES a converted mob that isn’t behaving appropriately suddenly behaves as intended. This doesn’t always happen however, and even then it’s just inappropriate that I have to wait for the mob to un-bug itself, not knowing whether it eventually would.

It’s been over 4~5 months since the report of buggy behavior of the converted mobs, and I’d been looking forward to using this skill, but seeing as it’s still bugged like this it’s kinda… bad.

Side note: I heard it’s not a bug, but if the owner of the converted mobs casts blessing, the converted mobs don’t get the buff. On the other hand, if some other person outside of the owner’s party casts blessing, the mobs get buffed and do increased damage. Can this be fixed? Because it doesn’t make sense for me, the owner, to be unable to buff my allies in this way and have to rely on other random people to buff my converted mobs…

EDIT: the heal tiles work properly, but that’s about it

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I would like to add-on to this with what I think the cause of the bug is, after using the skill for several days.

As mentioned before, sometimes the mobs un-bug themselves and sometimes they don’t. I noticed that in those cases where the mobs don’t un-bug themselves, the mobs are usually in pairs or more. There are even times when I had 2 properly working mobs, yet when I convert a 3rd, all 3 become bugged.

My conclusion is thus that the mobs still have the newly-converted mob flagged as an enemy, yet is unable to attack it, resulting in nothing happening. Unlike Bokor zombies, converted mobs don’t seem to disengage their target when the player strays too far from them.

This leads to scenarios such as the following:

  1. Converted mob A flags mob B as an enemy
  2. Mob B flags converted mob A as a target to attack
  3. Mob B gets converted
  4. Now both mobs are bugged, thinking they are enemies with each other, yet unable to attack as they’re allies. Because they don’t disengage the target, they are stuck forever doing nothing.

Then what about the mobs that un-bug themselves? In the same way, the player is flagged as a target by the mob, which is then converted. This persists after conversion. Thus, if the player moves far enough from the converted mob then returns, the mob should have disengaged because the target went too far out of range, and now behaves as per normal.

This is my opinion on the matter, but I don’t have a theory for the bug of disappearing mobs shortly after conversion… also, it might not be entirely correct, so it would be great if someone else, a fellow paladin frustrated about this skill, tested this. Hopefully this helps to reduce the frustration of having bugged mobs for other paladins out there toying with this skill(presuming it’s true).

It would be great if I could get a definitive response on this skill being fixed, because seriously… this skill is barely usable in its current state. How many times I attempted to convert mobs, only to have them disappear or bug out on me. I spend 30 minutes or more just trying to assemble a full 5 working, non-bugged monsters with level 5 of this skill…

Thank you for reading.


I have a paladin and spent points in this skill. I regret so much of doing so. I want a reset 5 points in this!!
Btw, the Linker skills are not working well. Hangman’s Knot isn’t holding mobs for the time the skill lvl says it does.
Wtf blizzard

A large part of the skill would be solved if, like the bokor zombies, the converted mobs drop whatever they’re attacking and just follow the owner if the owner is too far away. I have no idea why it’s not made that way…

Also, not being able to bless the mobs is pretty bad. Even with full STR, the mobs aren’t that strong most of the time because the attribute adds to the attack instead of final damage, and blessing would help a great deal… why non-party members are able to bless the mobs but you, the owner are unable to, is beyond me…

I don’t regret the decision to spend skill points in this skill because I made my paladin solely for the sake of this skill, but I would really appreciate it(and the other paladins who decided to try the skill) if the skill would get fixed and proper soon, since it’s been a long time since the first report already.

BUMPING THIS POST! skill still bugged pls fix.

I dont know if it is appropriate to reply to such an old thread, but seeing as it still is not fixed, I want to add a few things after a day of trying to convert stuffs to gather results.

  1. On maps with stairs, like in mage tower 5f, converted mobs cant walk up/down stairs for some reason. They will get stuck on that piece of land.

  2. Some mobs with skills will use them, some will not, I don’t know the mechanics behind this, but it seems floating mobs tends to use skills much more properly than land ones.

  3. Converted mobs are still mobs, meaning if a troll convert a quest objective, the quest can never be completed(you could just kick him out of the party, but y’know…).

Conversion just sucks. Period. For Paladins, try not to put your points into this yet. Or if you really want it, put the points at bottom priority.

bump, fix this issue please IMC, if you don’t it really shows how incompetent you are, this is a bug since the start of launch

up up up up up 2017 and still…nothing.

Bump 2017.
This bug affects mob spawn rate. You can actually deny a room’s monsters by converting them and then staying in that room. No other mob will spawn.
I think that in itself is a very serious bug. You can actually deny mobs from other players this way.
Code wise the new mobs on your side should be “new” independent spawns instead of a modified enemy.
That way they that annoying targeting bug would also be fixed as well as this game breaking bug.