Tree of Savior Forum

Pal/Sadhu/Ora Tanky supp

I was thinking in making a non melee phys dmg pala, and i came to think of a “dmg reduction/buff” build as follows:

Nice aoe heal from aura (even without 15 points).

Great self dmg reduction with 6% pala + 30% oob + barrier/foretel/sanctuary with at least one up anytime.

For dmg you have the sadhu aoes which right now aren’t that bad tbh.

What do you guys think of it? worth give a try?

or just a “healer” with some def stuff as:


I have not played Sadhu in the past 4-5 months despite what my username would suggest, so I don’t know if current Sadhu after the changes is any good. All signs point to “Sadhu has fallen off the viability cliff.” Years ago, when Bokor was still a Cleric class, you could cast Hexing and spam both Out of Body’s basic attack and Effigy in tandem (because Effigy had 0 cooldown/overheats back then). It was probably the last time I really had fun with either class. Fast forward to more recent times, and Sadhu had the clearly unintended ability to spam Visible Talent, which could be stacked up easily by taking Inquisitor as your third advancement. Between that and the time you could cast Transmit Prana on yourself to raise your stats to unusual levels, it’s almost like Sadhu has only been occasionally overpowered thanks to developer oversights.

If you want to play magic Paladin, I’d suggest taking classes like Druid, Plague Doctor, or Krivis to get some extra elemental damage out of Paladin’s Conviction skill. You can also use Sanctuary while your damage over time skills are ticking to add more damage to them. Oracle is also worth keeping in the build because of its many utility skills and ability to spam Death Sentence.

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sadhu now is aoe from ABE, OOB, VS and Prak, really nice ranges and % dmg not the oob autos or so (thats crap, but being oob is a nice 30% dmg reduction so… worth?

I dont see a pala ora pd doing almost cero dmg between each steam spread… don’t like the idea.

So u think that NOT AS HEALER but supp is not worth? or you thought i was saying as main healer? only healer is supp in parties now?

If you want low dps downtime but still want to spec more into healer/tank role, you might want to consider Druid. Chortasmata might not be a big hitter like certain Exorcist or Crusader skills, or even Druid’s own Thorn skill, but it barely has any downtime between its heal and damage over time. If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t need to be doing damage, you can also toggle its Healing Garden Art on to turn it into a greater heal over time.