Tree of Savior Forum

P2W Model Prevents People From Playing & Enjoying The Game

Hence it’s an insignificant source

i.e. not (readily) available in game, a.k.a cash shop exclusive.

it doesn’t take THAT long.

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Better to give out exclusive event head gears (tradable pls).

I said they have been playing for 6 months in the beta. They’ve seen them implemented. If I had said 1 month, would that have made any difference in the drop rate? Fact is they don’t drop, ever, never expect to see one in your entire life. I don’t play kTOS but I know they weren’t lying and neither am I.

Event rewards or no, people don’t want them. Stop crying in full caps like a baby and let people voice their distaste for cash shop items that give stats.

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Wait, so based off those notes, we can’t trade freely with other people?

Damn. That means I’d have to pay to be a successful Pardoner/Fletcher/any class that makes its earn giving or selling to others.

Pretty much. Unless they do something special for those specific classes, but I doubt they will even do that.

Ahhh, yes, I can see it now.

Pardoner and Barbarian run off and do a hunt together.

Pardoner: Hey, Barbarian, would you like this (insert item here)?

Barbarian: Sure, Pardoner.

Barbarian: Pardoner?

Pardoner: D’oh! Silly me, I’ve run out of tokens! Hehe, sorry, can’t give you anything.



Yeah, it sucks. I really liked playing with my friend in the CBTs and trading him an item that is better suited for his character than mine.

I mean, we’ll still find a way, but it’s extremely annoying to jump through hoops to accomplish something so basic and mandatory in every mmorpg.

Maybe to get around the trade barrier, we can do it Diablo style, way back before D2 and D3. We just go to a secluded place, drop stuff on the ground, and let the other person pick it up. Easy!

And then others would be like, “Were you two cybering?!”

“No,” we’d say, “I was just giving my friend ten health potions.”

…I feel like I’ve said too much.



Ha. That’s pretty much what’s going to be happening :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn, I’ve actually been so annoyed by these restrictions that I didn’t even think of the drop trading, lol.

My guess is also that most people will keep the single AH slot for trading directly with other players. Setting the item for a price and person buying it right away as it is posted up.

You know, I just looked at that chart again, and I – I’m thinking optimistically here – believe that the restricted trading will be lifted after the early access period ends. I want to believe that all the restrictions are only for the early access people, hopefully to keep some kind of balance before access becomes available to the public.

I hope I’m not wrong.

EDIT: At the same time, is that any way for them to treat the people willing to hand over money to support them? I paid $9.99, so I won’t get to trade freely. I almost feel like I’m being punished for not forking over more money.

Yeah, already saw some people thinking the same thing and I’m hoping for that too, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

No, it will not.
You can’t drop items on ground in TOS.

Pardoner: D’oh! Silly me, I’ve run out of tokens! Hehe, sorry, can’t give you anything…
Pardoner: Wait, just tought that you can send 18€ to my paypal if you absolutely need it :slight_smile:
Aka, Begging for real money, the mmo.

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Are you sure? I could’ve sworn that it was possible in iCBT2. I guess we did play several games after iCBT2 ended, so I could’ve mixed it up with another game.

Actually, you don’t. You can use this class to earn money to get yourself a token. I think pure income per month from one farming class would be enough to buy 1 token at least.


Can’t drop on ground sadly. It will actually trash the item instead.

Damn, I can’t even say that I’m sure…
I think that I never did it thanks to the warning pop-up…

  1. Paying vs the non paying? Did any of the guild recruitment threads discriminate any players based on those who who do or do not plan on getting a Token sub? No. Hence why it will be a mixed group of people.

  2. Why include it? To make it seem more appealing. Which is working which is why you guys are freaking out over something you don’t even know how impactful they really are. If you actually run the numbers vs a player in the high 200s, the amount of stats you gain vs you already have by lv200 are insignificant.

Would you be kindly to show me your info as to how broken these stats are and impactful in-game?

Due to dropping Euro prices against the Dollar, you now have to spend 3x as much when casting Decatose.

Really, though, why the hell would this “P2W” stop me from playing the game? OR stop anyone else, for that matter? I have yet to hear a good, concrete reason of how this will affect my ability to play/enjoy this game. <_<