Tree of Savior Forum

Owl Burial Ground Test

For Christ’s sake, how do I make the npc appear?
I’ve already done every quest in the map and he won’t appear.

Man i fell ya… still can’t see him.
But some ppl say u need to be over lv122 to see the npc. Some others says that u need to kill a lot of monsters in that area to trigger the quest… and others say that its totaly random…

So, lets kill mobs, be over 122 and pray to RNgezus.

See this thread for a discussion of what may possibly trigger it:

tl;dr: nobody knows

replying. I had already read the post that has been linked, it is dated from beta and no one still knows what triggers the npc.

I have done today ALL the quests available. According to, the 2 quests i havent done are “owl burial ground test” (the one given by the missing NPC for me) and a quest called “Story behind the collapse of the owl”. That quest is marked as a lvl 9999 quest so im not sure if it is even doable right now. I tried to but i cant find the totem that start this quest.

That being said i have met players who were able to see the NPC, and as i cleared all the quests in the area, i should be able to see him too.

Can anyone from IMC could definitely explain it ?

I think I found the trigger.
Well, it seems that you need to have the “Hunter” achievement unlocked (10k monsters killed).
I had 9k kills when I was trying to do the quest, when I reached 10k, the npc showed up.

i have the hunter achiev and i cant see the npc. I guess its a mob kill counter on this map, if u kill the amount its needed it will trigger the quest… (assumption)

i already have the hunter. Cant see it. I’ll try to just farm monsters.

Sooo i just farmed for nearly 2 hours and nothing changed.

This quest is total bullshit.

I found the solution guys!
Complete the achievement for Black hair ( Kill 500 Hannaming )
After that the npc will appear for you to complete the Pink hair

Nope. This is not it. I did not have that achievement and the NPC was visible for me. :confused:

i have the black hair and cant see it.

Opps i thought that was the solution.
It worked for me tho
Sorry guys :slight_smile:

No solution so far.triggering this event is unknown. I hope imc respond to this issue.

Hi guys! I got it today. I gues you need to search all 3 floors of mausoleum constructors… well prob not but this is the only thing i did different and now i can see the npc.

Good lucky guys.

Same still cannot see NPC on my main account bought all for characters up to lvl 123 can’t see it, On my second account my character is lvl 104 and can see tthe NPC tried multiboxing to share quest shared quest still could not see npc to hand in for reward.

Becoming frustrating.

I don’t know how to make the npc appear, but I know these requirements are not needed:

lv 120+ : You don’t need to get lv120+ to see the npc. I was lv 109 when I got the quest

Get black hair achievment: You don’t need to kill 500 hanaming. I didn’t have the black hair acheivment when I got the quest

Try these (not sure, just guessing):
Visit previous maps make it 100% explored - I think this probably related, but I don’t know what maps are needed

2nd Requirement for NPC Grave Keeper Romas to appear from TOSCAMP info:
Reach above 100 points in a single stat (STR CON INT SPR DEX).
Use equipment to help boost stat to above 100 if needed.

Tested working with STR.