Tree of Savior Forum

"Out of Body:Evasion" needs a serious buff

The attribute for the skill Out of Body, “Out of Body:Evasion” grants currently an increase of the dodge rate by 10% per attribute level.
This, however, is totally insufficient even on a DEX build to compensate for the total loss of all physical defence (OOB sets your defence to 0).

Even on a fully leather-clad DEX/CON Sadhu (Shade Dancer&Shade Skirt in use) I am only able to reach ~1000 dodge rate at ~lvl 200, which is not nearly enough to dodge the bosses at the daily dungeon runs. This means while my body gets unreduced full damage because of 0 defence debuff, I get just a little damage buff for the Astral Body in return? OOB should be your filler skill, not the skill that kills you&requires 24/7 Safety Zone even on a build with high dodge rate[not to mention that Possesion already requires your Safety Zone to not become interrupted].

I believe Out of Body should at least try to protect its body from harm, that’s why I suggest raising the dodge rate increase from 10% per attribute level to 30% per attribute level[+150% in total].

A total of 250% dodge rate should be enough to provide some safety even for the non-DEX,non-dodgerate-built Sadhus (as Sadhu is not really intended for physically attacking) and enable more fluent gameplay during OOB whithout having to cancel the skill every 2-3 seconds to stop your body from dieing.

Edit: Also to consider is the fact that the monsters attack raises really sharp from a certain level onwards(lvl 140+). So, the damage calculated from this point on will become exceedingly strong compared to your maximum HP, as your HP rise only by a certain possible amount per level [by level up increase, CON increase and equipment HP increase].

From a certain point onwards, your 0 defence will enable monsters to kill you with one or two hits no matter how many points in CON you invested or how high your equipment is gemmed/transcended. That’s why it is required to act now to counter this trend and help players to utilize OOB without the imminent threat of dieing when using the skill,especially since it’s the signature skill of Sadhu!!!


I vote for removing the double dmg taken, cause it’s from a time when it made sense cause OoB wasn’t a joke :expressionless:

also, make possession be cancelled by knockback instead of the sneeze of a fly :confounded:

kind of frustrating been a sadhu and having to battle against your own skills all the time cause they were supposedly op years ago :pensive: