Tree of Savior Forum

Other possible variations? W3 -> Ele1 -> Kino3?

I messed up, I wanted to go for a PVP wizard build but after starting and hearing all the hype on wiz3/ele3/wl I began to realize this build is leaning more towards PvE.

Is there any other way I can salvage this? I am currently Wiz3->Ele1.

Should I…

  1. Wiz3->Ele3->Kino1? (telekinesis, sleep, combo)
  2. Wiz3->Ele1->Kino3? (future ranks will help alot)

I kind of feel like Wiz3-> Ele3-> Kino3 will be really unstoppable…

Raise -> Frostcloud -> Hail, the synergy is really superb.

Opinions and theorycrafting are very welcome!

Raise makes targets flying i think so frost cloud wont hit them.

You can’t have raise and frostcloud together if you already have wiz3, both are rank 3 skills (and there’s only 7 ranks total as of now)

to only get one rank of ele after you’ve gotten wiz3 seems a bit of a waste, but if you really want that particular character to go pvp, I think it’d be an interesting experiment to go for kino3 after it and see if the elementalist rank is enough to deal enough damage. Technically you could even do pp after a hail to get both damage going at the same time…

Ele1 is really bad. Meteor, frost cloud, and full strength electrocute are your PvP bread winners. You would probably be better off taking pyro1 instead…at least the CDs are more reliable. (joke, don’t do it!).

You can take psy at rank 7 if you plan to go c3 but most theory crafters will point to newer rank 8+ classes being the superior choice if you want a reliable character able to fill it’s role in content at that future point in time.

Ele 3 lock does fine in PvP.

Our only form of CC is sleep. We’re really lackluster in forms of 1v1, 2v2, 3v3.

We need to pray or hope that no one realizes us when we’re casting and then surprise them.

im planning also to have w3 ele3 kino2
or may be w3 ele3 chrono 2 (chrono3 when rank9)

what do u think about this guys??

at gvg we can cast skill from afar…while w3kin3lock need a closer range