Tree of Savior Forum

Other options besides Kino3

So atm I have 2nd char for PVP which I planned to make it Cryo3>Kino3. Right now its at Wiz>Cryo>Cryo>Cryo. For next rank I’m planning to go for Kino(following my original build).

Now I want to know whether I should still pursue with Kino3 or Kino1>Others>Others. I’m planning for PVP CC support and so far all I read was Cryo and Kino as king of CC. I’m not interested in dealing huge dmg on this char as I want it to be annoying char to fight againts for my enemy team :stuck_out_tongue:

The char atm is full Con lvl 113. With +8 Ice Rod (plan to use it till lvl 170 for audra).

I have Wiz3>Ele2 lvl 130 as main char. Reason why I’m not into dealing dmg on my Cryo char… my Ele is just too OP to compare with the cryo in terms of dmg lol~

Quick insight and thoughts would be very appreciated :slight_smile:

One variable to plug in to your thought process is that Kino 3 gives two strong CC’s that are un-cleansable by Plague Doctors in PvP. All of your frost CC can be cleansed away.