Tree of Savior Forum

OST improve quality

Quality? Go to the BGM files of ToS and ask yourself this question again. This time question your headphones/audio.

True that. BGM from client is very good. Maybe you grab OST from some random forum? They tend to compress audiofiles, lowering quality in process.

Only for example:


This theme has bad quality, listen carefully.


They could put at 320kb


I don’t think it is mandatory, but better quality is, in fact, better :wink:

Half of the people replying here must have severely damaged hearing if they can’t hear the bunch of artifacts in almost every OST track. That, or really cheap headphones.

The OP is absolutely right. The quality is horrendous at times. I imagine they’ve put low bitrate files on purpose so that they can release the OST as a CD/lossless download later on. There are better options at that bitrate though, as I pointed out here.

Another example is “in my dreams”. The warbling in it is just bad, it’s such a nice track too.
edit: another offender is Boy’s Anthem: You can hear obvious rattling in it, plus warbling again.


thanks !, someone who understands me!

That is actually a good point. Is this 2001? When the f*** did we see 128 kbps quality on audio files last?!

Hopefully someone does a remake of all the audio files, heightens the quality to 320 kbps and then we can replace them.

Everyone who says the audio quality isn’t s*** does not listen to enough music. Or have broken ears. One ore the other. :unamused:

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IMCGames addressed this in an previous post regarding this. They said the audio quality for the CBT is temporary and higher quality audio files were going to be released with the game later on.

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They did? If you happen to have a link, I’d want to read that.

edit: the below part is false, as pointed out by @Kachi. Sorry, my fault.
@Gankaare: it’s not even 128kbps, that’s just windows being windows. The files are VBR stdmp3 (not even LAME encoder!). Loading it into something like foobar2000 shows the average bitrate, and it’s quite low:

Those are files directly from the client, not some soundcloud import.

Great news! :muscle:

Holy s***, that is… I’ll just turn the music off until they’ve implemented the new sound files :expressionless:

It’s bearable ingame because there is so much noise by the monsters/players, but listening to them out of the game requires a high degree of abstraction (aka listening to music information, not quality).

The music files from provided via Steam have been encoded with LAME3.99r at 128kbit CBR and little quality issues on average hardware setups. I don’t know where you got that stuff you listed.

You haven’t been on itunes, pandora and such since 2001? Provide some of your ABX tests before claiming everyone’s hearing impaired.

No. I can’t stand low quality sound. If I buy a digital version, I make sure it’s 320kbps.

Which is of little relevance to everyone else as long as you don’t proof it is not a placebo.

I’m not going to have this discussion with someone who, apparently, can’t recognize the difference between good quality and bad quality.

is a pity that people can not notice the difrencia quality


[quote=“Kachi, post:15, topic:37277”]
The music files from provided via Steam have been encoded with LAME3.99r at 128kbit CBR and little quality issues on average hardware setups. I don’t know where you got that stuff you listed.
[/quote]It’s a mistake on my part - deadbeef seems to be listing stuff differently than foobar, and I haven’t double checked it before posting. You are right.

[quote=“Kachi, post:15, topic:37277”]
You haven’t been on itunes, pandora and such since 2001? Provide some of your ABX tests before claiming everyone’s hearing impaired.
[/quote]You’ll have to provide the lossless equivalent first, though, if you want them to ABX ToS files. As for me… take a look at this and this. Those are my ears on good days.

[quote=“Gankaare, post:18, topic:37277”]
I’m not going to have this discussion with someone who, apparently, can’t recognize the difference between good quality and bad quality.
[/quote]Requesting an ABX test as proof is standard practice. Many people claim they hear a difference when they actually just think they do. Blind tests make them face it. I’m not saying you are one of them, but there is nothing wrong with Kachi’s request.

@Soukyuu This is an excerpt from their dev blog back in January after kCBT1:

Q) When I looked at the client, BGMs were included as MP3 files. Can I copy them and give them to my friends?

A) You can give them to your friends as long as you and your friends
don’t use them for commercial purposes. But, some of those BGMs still
need be balanced and go through Mastering process. Also some of them
may not be completely worked at our side. It will be better to use them
when you have the client for CBT2.

I believe the audio files have remained almost unchanged since then. Most likely not a priority right now, but we should expect reworked/mastered audio files closer to the launch of the game.

They also talked about a possible OST release. That would be very nice.