Tree of Savior Forum

[Orsha] Tempest and Vermillion NOW RECRUITING

Hey Freya, why have you kicked me?

edit: aww, my mistake

Sayuri Suzinami would like to join XD

Sumerr, level 184 Dopple Dps

please log into the discord voice chat and i’ll invite you as a member of the chat. Once I have made the guild officially I will be adding everyone on the chat to the guild : )

Bump for Tempest :laughing:

Hi guys!!

I’d like to join the guild to have buddies to grind with and do PVE/PVP and etc. My steam name is Billybob. I’ll post a thread with my Team name on TOS because I don’t remember it and I’m at the office right now. I have Discord already so i’ll jump on it when i’m gonna get home and online on TOS. I’m a wizard C2 - Pyro C1 atm. Look forward to meeting y’all!

I’ll whisper Freiya when i’ll be online.

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Freiya this is Slurpels!

Please invite me :smiley:

I’m a super active player. My job affords me lots of hours to play in my time off.

Home life I have a wonderful fiancee and one year old son. I work as the personal assistant to the General Manager for an extremely successful pizza company. I love reading, gaming, hiking and pizza.

I’m mainly interested in end game antics and PvP.

I’m running sold -> pelt -> hoplite -> cataphract x2 -> Dragoon.

Thanks :smiley:

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Hey~ Im also interested!
My team name is Luminaris and my steam name is Glow with a rilakkuma.

Hey there, please join the discord channel and we will get you in. The link is up there with the invite code. Cheers :smiley:

I’m thinking of joining, just letting u know that ur my first pick so far. Saw that u needed captains and would like a role as one, but sadly im pretty busy, since im in the Army, and not only that, but a Sergeant haha, so time isnt something i really have. As of now Ill be gone at the end of the month for training and be training for a month, Once im back, when work dies down a bit, ill msg u so i can join, and maybe, if u have slots open and if i can, be a Captain for you

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@scout_117 you are more than welcome to join once you got things settled on your end.

I would love to join! if you have room!

Lvl 43 barbarian! looking for some comrads to grind and bond with all the way through end game

Kusanagi Yasuno is my IGN

Hello there, come join us at our discord channel. The link is provided in the first post.

lvl 170 fletcher here i would like a slot too if u got one :slight_smile: ty Name HavokCreator

85 Hoplite looking for guild if you have room in game name is Lakai

Interested in joining.
Mostly looking for advice and comradery.
I can download and use Discord if needed.
Steam ID is lazygigant.


Hi there, I’m interested in joining the guild also. My team name is FeelDaBurn. I play mostly casually but also hardcore when I have more time off work. I’m in the west coast and usually play between 6pm-10pm PST. I play more often on the weekends. I’m currently leveling my 106 Cleric3 Paladin 1. I plan to go full Pally 3. So I can heal and group support. Would love to start running some group stuff with the guild.

Heya, was wondering if you’re still recruiting random peeps to join and have fun. I haven’t joined the Discord yet as I wanted to say hi here first.

A bit about me:

  • Team name xBlue (Steam Sora Blue)
  • lv 129 sword 1, high 1, barb 3 in case you’re curious about my class.
  • Can be quiet at times, and talkative during others.
  • I enjoy helping people, but not all the time – gotta make progress myself. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I am prone to randomly disappearing for a bit but then coming back later, I try to let others know before that happens though.
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Im interested in joining. Steam name is ashman currently playing sword>pelt>hopc3 and 1 lvl away from doppel. Let me know if you guys have room.

Also interested in joining the guild I sent you some info about myself on discord through private message.