Resonance guild now recruiting. PvE Casual guild looking for similar players who enjoy playing ToS for all of it’s content while hanging out and chillin’ with comrades.
Guild Leader: Fon (Kagemaru)
About The Guild:
Casual PvE
English NA Guild
Discord Channel
Introduce yourself in the Discord Introductions section with the following:
Team Name, Character Name, Class & Level
Interests ( Anime? (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ hobbies, etc.)
Tell us a bit about yourself
Code of Conduct and Community Guidelines:
We only ask that you keep things civil in discord and chat. Don’t be scamming others, being an a**, etc. However, you can be silly and just be yourself around the guild.
No afk farming / botting / cheating allowed. No exceptions.
Donations are not required from members.
Discord Channel:
We totally aren’t missing one person
My first guild Tempest, (RIP the fun times), and the memes I have created from it:
Me being a terrible artist trying to draw Utaha Sempai
My attempt at animation. Credits go to sempai who thinks her “old onee-chan voice” isn’t seiyuu material