Tree of Savior Forum

Orsha bot report

  • Server : orsha

  • Team Name : Salamoo, halisya, Mikaer (same person botting 3 channels on 3 different account)

  • Location : Dina bee farm

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 11/11/2016 All day/all week

  • Evidence: These screenshots were taken from ch 1, ch 2, and ch 3. It is the same guy botting all three channels. All of the sorcs have the exact same build and exact same naming pattern (repeat of character and team name). They walk around a certain path and cast skills while auto potting for their templeshooter. These Sorcerer has been botting with autopot for about 2-3 weeks now. They farm longer than afk necros. The sorc also continues to farm while being surrounded by a bunch of afk necros. Also notice how all of their equipment is locked except for their top piece on all three characters.

Hi! @Resource we appreciate the effort on providing this information. I’ll check the players activity and take action.

I am certain it is one guy multi clienting all 3 channels at the very least. They disappeared for a few hours then they all simultaneously came back online botting in ch 1/2/3. At 12:42 AM PST.

Updated with video: I attempted to message them and they did not respond at all. Also they are wearing similar armor. Their weapons are pretty much the same as well. I forgot to check equipment of the first bot but I checked the equipment on ch2 and ch 3.

In the video they all follow a pattern.They walk around and stab stuff with their dagger or they summon their templeshooter. After they finish doing that they sit at the campfire until their sp is restored.


more evidence on Salamoo