Tree of Savior Forum

Oracle Rebalancing: additional changes to improve the Oracle gameplay

With the recent changes proposed by your developers here:
many people who like the Class Oracle, its theme and ingame capabilities [although they’re quite bad to be honest], were shocked to find more nerfs than useful changes in comparison to e.g. Paladin and Krivis, who didn’t recieve a single nerf but a lot of outstanding buffs.

To make things clear:

  • Oracle 1st Circle skills that can be leveled are undesirable point-sinks after the nerf because their performance was drastically reduced
  • Oracles signature skills are now the 1 point skills, because they perform much better in comparison to the skills that require point investment
  • Oracle support skills are mostly undesirable/unusable after the nerfs; Prophecy is worse than Bloodletting/Cure, Counter Spell is worse than Safety Zone, Arcane Energy still seems to be completely useless; the only good ones are Foretell and Forecast

What I suggest:

  • Delete 1 skill (e.g. Prophecy or Arcane Energy, the skills with the least potential) and do the same as you did with Paladins Conversion: Turn it into an Attribute for the remaining skill:
    E.g. Prophecy:Arcane Energy or Arcane Energy:Prophecy.

Since you are able to make the effects of attributes scale with the skilllevel of the skill [e.g. Archers Swift Step:Critical Rate attribute], it would be no problem to couple the effect of the attribute to the skill level of the remaining skill so that it has the same effect that the skill would’ve had before it became an attribute.

  • Introduce the planned but scrapped skill “Call of Deities” as a Circle 2 Oracle skill (i.e. with 10 skilllevels). Since Oracle only has one Circle 2 skill (Death Sentence) it would fit here perfectly.

Since summons now have an improved A.I. and a good scaling, the perfect way to have an easy-to-make&well-performing skill would be to reincarnate that idea of a monster-summoning skill.
As a skill effect, one could simply use the emerging-from-the-ground animation or the falling-from-the-sky animation that’s regularly used on fields to summon mobs of monsters[so the skill itself doesn’t even require any flashy animations].

The summoning pool can be directly recycled from Oracles skill “Change”, so there is another step of work saved.
As for the number of summons, it would be cool if there was 1 monster per skilllevel so that you actually have some force to fight with (similar to Necromancer that’s at the same Ranks as Oracle). CD time can be inspired by Necromancers “Raise Dead/Raise Skull Archer” (i.e. 60 seconds), while the stats should be the ones of the monsters summoned, amplified by your SPR at the same ratio as Necromancers summons.

That’s all for now. I’ve got more ideas, but writing everything down heavily cuts away my free time with no guarantee that anything gets changed, so I’ll stop here for now.

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I’m also sorry for not being able to translate my whole idea into Korean, but I’m pretty bad with the language and it took me a long time just to write these few sentences that I’m sure the developers themselves might be able to comprehend without too much of it being misunderstood/lost in translation.

Counter Spell is worse than Safety Zone


Even at 10 sec duration counter spell is much better than SZ. Besides, its use is more to cancel enemy circles or to get your opponents out of spell based CC or raise.

In fact, the only thing holding it back was the limited number of targets, this change is a huge buff to the skill.

No. There is nearly no monster that manages to use so many skills in that short timeframe. And even with the limited number of targets,you had at least 30 seconds protection. Now you can protect yourself only against 1 or two spells and that’s it.

What’s worse is that there seems to be no scaling at all, so why even bother investing points into this skill?(unless it became a 1 point skill).

Don’t argue with PVP please, even within PVP there is no way that the new Counterspell is any better in removing skills than the old one unless the AOE got a massive boost. The only benefit is the shortened CD time to do so.
For PVE the changes are a massive nerf, nothing more or less.

And yeah Counterspell is worse than Safety Zone.
It protects for half the duration, only against magic and
has 12 seconds more CD time.
It’s the worst protective skill of all Clerics after the recent changes, even worse than Mackangdal…
There’s simply nothing good about it.

If Counterspell became an AoE dispell with a debuff that prevents rebuffing (great against Murmillios e.g. that wouldn’t be able to recast their Crista) for its duration, it could become somewhat decent at least in PVP or against bosses that use a defence/m.defence shield/have a transcendend equipment buff.

This shows you know absolutely nothing about the class. Do you even play oracle?

The number of targets means the number of times a PLAYER can recieve the counterspell buff before it disappears. This is like day 1 stuff. Please don’t make threads about a class you are ignorant to.

It’s actually the number of how many times you/your party members can enter/reenter the AoE of Counterspell. If you run in and out repeatedly,your Counterspell goes “poof”. The damage negations and debuff removals inside the AoE are unlimited in number.

However, is it really necessary for your partymembers to move in and out of the AoE so many times? It may be so for the 30 seconds duration, but now with only 10 seconds duration, there is no way that there is anyone who manages to move crazily around that often so that this change would actually be beneficial.

It’s a huge nerf to the skill in every single aspect.

Same difference, but nice attempt to backtrack. When you recieve the buff, you are recieving it because you are entering the AoE, duhh.

Have you ever done a guild event with more than 10 people? Counterspell 5 gets cancelled all the time because of situations beyond peoples control, like Hauberk vacuum for example.

actually im amazed why u consider oracle to be slightly pve.
why would u bring an oracle to anything pve related except farming manahas?

the rework is a buff and a nerf, which is ridiculous because thats like doing nothing for the weakest class in the game. also one of the classes that have the most useless skills. but with the rework of death sentence maybe it’s slightly a buff?(ignoring the fact that the skill actually had to have a damage penalty)

i feel like just because they broke their own game with call of deities, oracle has had to pay the price for it even after it got removed. oracle is definitely strong in pvp, but being a r6 class makes it really weak and awkward, especially with the new rank system.

I have used counterspell and prophecy in ET plenty of times to good effect. Oracle1 is a nice support circle to have for pve, not the best mind you. Its uses are more for PVP.

I would argue that oracle is one of the strongest classes in the game for pvp. Both counterspell and prophecy are integral tools in TBL, and my focus is generally pvp so oracle is great.

Arcane Energy’s attribute can knock scouts out of cloaking with its low AoE damage, as well as trigger revenge7. Forecast is nice for predicting other players moves.

If you are rolling strictly PVE and looking to min max, I would recommend against Oracle. Not every class can excel in everything.

I’m not asking for everything, that’s why you have different Classes at different Ranks.
I was just hinting at the nerfs that make Oracle a lot worse in comparison what happened to Paladin and Krivis. Oracle C3 became somewhat strong, but at the same time, Oracle C1 and C2 are still below simple utility unless you think that a high CD Resetting or a high downtime Counterspell is worth the investment in Oracle.

IMO they should’ve done the same thing as Paladin, scrapped at least 1 or 2 skills and give reasonable new ones.
And there was not even 1 new attribute for C1 or C2 skills mentioned to fix the Oracles general problem of having too many high CD times and too little active skills.

What benefit e.g. is having a 20 seconds CD Clairvoyance if you can only reset the drops twice every 150 seconds? Meanwhile, Corsair gets a passive ability that boosts the looting chance with every Circle of Corsair.
So why not boosting the chance to reset a rare drop with every Oracle Circle ?

They could even reduce the CD time to 1 second(Clairvoyances of course) and give it an AoE effect, similar to what they did with Kabbalists Gematria&Notarikon, everything would be an improvement.

Resetting could get an attribute that actually reduces the CD time if something rare is found with Clairvoyance by a fixed number of seconds so people would be using Clairvoyance more actively even without Resetting off CD or a Thaumaturge for Swell Body in the party.

The interaction with loot chance is my greatest sorrow: Does loot chance actually affect Resetting or not?

Too many questions open and not enough improvements via attributes make the Class look quite bad. And PVP is still nothing in the game. You don’t level,gain equipment or status points through PVP so it is optional content for players who achieved enough in PVE.
Please stop to bring up PVP every single time. These changes are for PVE,not for TBL or GVG (which will surely see some nerfs/changes later on).

You live through PVE and the only progress you can make it through PVE, PVP is completely irrelevant to the game, as it is to the current balance update of Oracle,too.

No, no it isn’t. Nice try though. Anything that is in the game is relevant, whether you like it or not.