Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions on my Ice elementalist build please!

hi im hopelessly stuck on what class to build and what ill like as i get deeper into the game, tryed hoplitegoon as that is what i would play in any other mmo but hate it here lol so here goes mage!

thi sis my take on a build that ccs well but can drop big earth shattering spikes of damage when the time comes please be blunt and honest and as helpful as possible, thanks!


Ele 3 needs a Wiz 3 or it don’t really work well. Your dps is just too little.

There are a few good build if you want a cryo 3.

For example:

  1. Wiz Cryo 3 Kino 3 - CC god. One of the strongest in PvP. Your burst DPS is much higher than Cryo 3 Ele 3 too with ice wall PP.
  2. Wiz Cryo 3 Chrono 3 - Every party love you at rank 7, probably. Pass is a powerful spell to double your party member’s DPS.

Most players will straight up tell you to stop trying to be creative and just make a cookie-cutter build. And it would probaly be the “best” advice indeed.

IMO, one of the main draws this game has is the class diversity, so I’m against just brushing off anything that isn’t the “meta” builds.
With that said, these cookie-cutter builds are GOOD. They have been tested and they surely work. More importantly, they have been optimized with current end-game in mind.

Now for your build, I’d say you are trading a lot of firepower (wiz3) for heavy CC (Cryo3). With this your DPS will be inferior to a “true” elementalist, and your CC/support won’t be nearly as good as a CryoKino/Chrono. BUT you will have a bit of both, being sort of a hybrid. Personaly I’d move a bunch of points around, like away from Meteor, but that’s up to you.

Hybrid characters are a lot harder to build, but most importantly, they are harder build a party around. Sadly, most people will focus on what you are lacking, instead of what you are bringing. Frost Pillar but no Pass, Frost Cloud but slow Meteor and no Dark Theuge. This could cause some frustation later on when looking for parties, as “pure” characters are way simpler to fit in.

In the end it is up to you if you want to be creative at the possible cost of being inferior to optimized builds.

does the psykokino do good in the way of damage what i want is the cc but i dont want to HAVE to be in a group to do still like grind or higher end content

I have one friend rolling a Cryo 3 > Ele 3 and he really likes it a lot.

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 is better for general PvE but would lose 100% of the times it fought against any good Cryo 3.

I’d go Kino 3 if I wanted Cryo 3 built in a DPS way though, or Chrono 3 for supportive role.

im sorry but i think im missing something… where does kino get its dps? i refuse to plat cryo/chrono because i like to do things alone from time to time… and i love to pvp so thats a factor aswell being that im a single main charecter kind of player

Excuse me sir, I would be really interested if you/your friend could share his Cryo 3 > Ele 3 build ! Or if anyone got tips about it.

I’m currently looking for that kind of build but since it’s not an optimized “min-max” build, naturally, I’m not finding much resources about it. But I fell in love with that rolling snowball spell. Got to play it ! :stuck_out_tongue:
(and yes, dont want to do cryo3/kino2 like everyone else).

I think ele 3 + cyro 3 could work. The slow attribute goes really nice with frost cloud.
I personally would get hail much higher. This is because the freezing chance on top of frost pillar will allow your eletrocute to do a lot of damage. Plus, you’re not going to be able to cast meteor without quick cast and surespell. But with hard CC like frost pillar, you can easily cast hail.

Combos would be: Frost Cloud + Snow rolling
Frost pillar + Hail + Electrocute

I’m sure party dungeon runs would be a breeze with this build; and you’ll be actually able to PVP unlike Ele 3 - Wiz 3, because you have subzero shield.

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He was only by rank 6 then and took Warloc instead of Cryo 3.

Honestly, he is a beast at GvG. Subzero Shield and Dark Theuge gives him too much defense together. Freezing spells are very good to make people stand on Frost Cloud.

The guy above has good thought on this and Honestly, Frost Pillar + Frost Cloud looks VERY good to me. You can freeze when you need to cast, use low level Meteor for 1 seconds cast time and still deal some good damage.

You are actualy doing 67% (100%/150%) of an Wiz 3 > Ele 3 damage but with Cryo’s utilities.

Thanks for the advice !
Here is my try of a build :

Only have little questions about it :

  • Wiz1 : i dont know between lethargy, sleep and reflect shield. Reflect is scalling with spr so i dont think it will be of use. Lethargy and sleep have long casting time, sleep doesn’t work on boss. Lethargy for party group ?

  • cryo3 : dont know between Ice bolt, subzero shield and swowball distribution. I put 10 / 4 / 4
    (ice wall at 6 so length is 7 sounded good enough). Of course for pure pvp I would put more in shield but well, not the case for my build.

  • ele : stone curse : not really necessary with the ice cc already, but maybe still one point ? is it doable to curse players in pvp (it’s my first range so yeah i don’t pretend to know if the targeting is easy).

I didn’t study stat distributions but I suppose it’s something general for mage with spell damage (unless it isn’t, any advice appreciated).

Thanks for reading me again !

ps : kudos to your friend for GvG, however, i m doing that build because I fell immediately in love with the snow ball spell <3 so… Cryo3 for me it is.

Hi! I was also thinking of creating a Cryo3 Elem3 Build For my own
Here’s My Build