Tree of Savior Forum

Opinions on a possible new Tank/Support Build

Hello everyone. In these days of updates, I’m experimenting a bit with new builds. I wanted your opinion on a build tank / support that I have developed. I am aware of the fact that there is a build similar to this, with oracle instead of the diev, however I am convinced that the kabbalist has somewhat too high cooldowns. And the diev is the right class to solve the problem in my opinion. Not to mention the great utility it can offer and the damage of carve owl that can make a good contribution to cleaning up the maps. So what do you think of this version? Can it be adapted to this new metagame?

I wish someone replied to this.

Right now I’m thinking about Paladin myself, I actually like Paladin skill set and want to find a build with Paladin as a main tool kit while capable of support.

Right now I’m doing Diev > Miko > Paladin but I wanna do full support like Priest > Pardoner > Paladin as well.

Most want healer to have Diev for CD reduction though.

Since I’m new to this game myself I can’t give you full opinion but IMO, this is non-mobile healer build, probably work well in CM, but suffer a bit in raid due to lack of mobility cuz aside from Ein Sof, all Kabba heal require targets to stay stationary similar to Druid.

This is just opinion from someone new who do experience a bit on Paladin, don’t take it too seriously.

I am playing Oracle Paladin Dievdirby to some decent effect. Oracle + Dievdirby allows you to have 100% uptime on barrier without any skill gems. And both Paladin and Oracle brings some really good damage reduction with foretell, resist elements, stone skin, sometimes counterspell if you spec that, but the biggest one is obviously Barrier with devotion.
Im either relying on devotion + manual heal on myself to basically prevent damage to the entire party, but restoration also helps with healing up injured partymembers who had to step out of Barrier. Most of the time you will be using your manual heal though, but dont be afraid.
You cant play support without dievdirby, its basically the defining class of a support build, even more so than any healer class.
Heres the build im using:

Sidenote: is not getting updated anymore, so you might get outdated skill information or lack of attributes etc.