Tree of Savior Forum

Open fields or big spacious zones

I’ve been watching a lot of streams and videos of the game and noticed that a lot of the areas are very dungeon crawling esque maps with narrow and linear pathing that branches off here and there. I was wondering if there are other zones that features more spacious areas and if there are a lot of these maps in the game. If not I would hope that the development team would take into consideration in making more spacious areas, for me personally the game “looks” very similar to diablo in the dungeon crawling aspects. Don’t get me wrong though its not a bad thing I just happen to like more spacious areas so I don’t feel constricted to narrow pathways.

Edit: I would like to clarify that I don’t wan’t all the narrow pathways to be removed. I would like for them to add large spacious zones so it does not entirely feel like a dungeon crawling game, or make the narrow pathways more wider. Some variety never hurts ;D

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I hear ya. I hope there are some more open maps as well!

That was my huge concern because they said the game is huge but with these kinda map layouts it looks small and too restricted.

Yes, my thoughts exactly, I read the faqs and they said “Tree of Savior is zoned with very large maps for players to discover. The game features up to 200 territories and 3 major cities” though because of the map layouts the big zones they speak of actually feel a lot smaller due in part to the multiple narrow pathways that removes the openness of the map. The pathways are very narrow and when fighting mobs it can feel very cramped (which coincidentally hinder smooth gameplay, because it can seem/feel very messy at times).

Having spacious areas gives a sense of freedom and exploration. When I mean spacious I mean very large spacious areas spanding almost the whole zone not multiple narrow pathways that leads to a small circular area back into a narrow road again.

I feel like there may be a decent amount of people that may have concerns about this as well and I would like to make this known to the development team if they are reading this or if the moderators could forward this to one of the teams in charge of the overall layout of the maps. I and many others would appreciate this.

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