Tree of Savior Forum

Onmyoji Skill Points: Toyu or Tree?

Hi guys, mos of us have on thing in mind


tiger> lvl up until get the attribute

fox> 1 (if u are kino) 0 if dont

Toyu and tree, wich is better to invest? more dmg? more utility?

i like the tree,but the duration is awful

Toyou maxed. You only need 1 for the tree since it scales really poorly. Unfortunately if you’re not pyro or kino, the fox is useless, which leaves you some spare points to invest wherever you want. In the end, you will have:

  • Tree: 1
  • Tiger: 6
  • Water: 10
  • Toyou: 5
  • Genbu: 5
  • 3 spare points (I went for Tree 2 and Tiger 8, but the Tiger only gets one extra target per point, so you can also go 4/6)

It really goes down to what you have in the previous ranks.

I have Cryo3-Kino3 so in my case, since i have a LOT of cc i don’t really need Genbu. That means +5 points in damage :). I personally don’t like the tiger skill so i’m saving for future Omi 3 circle.
My build goes like this:
I use rod and shield because of Cryo passives and full int.

since im not full spr i cant go genbu…

im kino c3 wizz c3 omj c2

i think just one point on tree is a bit useless, cuz dont agro anything, its so qquickcly its a flash tree

For a single target, maxed fox with attribute is stronger than putting points elsewhere…Onmyoji scaling sucks so you can’t really go wrong if you just max Toyou and have a high enough level tiger so you comfortably hit ~8+ enemies.