Tree of Savior Forum

Onmyoji or Warlock?

I’m currently making a wiz3 --> Elementalist 3 --> ??
Full Int.

I want to do ET, Raids and HG while pvp is not active. What would be the better choice?

Rune – > Onmyoji2
Warlock 3

I’m not that experienced in pvp characters so I could use the help.

For maximum damage pick warlock3.
Onmyouji has bigger AoE area and lower cooldowns, but for lower damage.

Your build isn’t really suited for PvP though, no matter which class you pick at the end.

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Yeah, i ment it as a char for when i’m not using my pvp character. So this one is ment to be a PvE char.

Fenatte hit the nail on the head.

If it’s gonna be a low investment chara for endgame pve then warlock for damage.

If it’s just for fun chara that you will use for things like helping friends level (low damage is fine) or farming then Onmyoji works. Onmyoji/RC is also more supportive role if you prefer that…

WL3, no arguments needed tbh

Another vote for WL3 here.

Onmyoji really really lacks in singletarget damage and because of its nature of high overheat short CD skills as well as having a mana shield skill, you’ll need to invest in decent amounts of SPR to fully make use of the skills.

For that elememe base, warlock fits perfect

In other case if u were Wiz3 Tha3 ++ full SPR, u should go Sorc1 + Onmyoji
The Turtle Shield will be perfect for u to survive and the buffs will be sweet

wiz3ele3lock3 is my main and i love this class but still omni2 is so fun :slight_smile: u should make it too imo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The sp drain on omj is insane. And you’ll find yourself using mostly skills either from ele or omj, you just won’t have enough time to complete the rotation with all of the skills. If you really want to play omj I suggest you go thaum 3 with full spr, thats what I did :slight_smile:

wiz3thauma3sorc1omni2 is imo best omni build (im using thi sone atm)

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My fav’ Wizard build by far. :heart:

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Spoke to some more people ingame. It seems with my current build of Ele3 a Warlock 3 is superior for most content. I’m going to go with the Warlock route!

Thanks for the discussion <3


Full int? WL. Your sp bar can’t handle onmy anyway.

I have my elememe since ever, 2 years+. And i can say… warlock is dead for pve. If u have a good dmg(8k+) and doesnt matter about boss dmg, go with omnyoji. the sp cost isnt that high. just use lv15 and huge sp pots and you’ll be fine.
Basically, omnyoji for pure pve(cm,et,dg) and warlock for some boss dmg.

I reset my EleLock into Ele RC Onmyoji when he comes, and thats was my Mistake, i really miss Warlock. T.T
Oh yes, i’m full INT, but have up 100+ SPR from equipaments, and I dont use shield(Who needs shield when you can explode all the monster in the screen?), you can handle Onmyoji SP hungry.
Ele rc Onmyoji is pretty decent for damage, challenge mode, Earth Tower and end game stuff, farm is pretty good too, All earth skill is usefull, Tiger shikigami has good utility and decent damage, Rune of Ice + Hail + (Water Shikigami to makes the rune really useful) is the way for bossing, but at end Warlock is better in this aspect.