Tree of Savior Forum

Only 0.1% of the playerbase can play the game

I just looked up at patch notes for today and all the events we get. And I’m dismayed to see most of the players will again be locked out of most of the stuff like last year…

  1. Santa’s Secret Soiree

" To maximize the total 250 draws allowed during the event, players need to fully utilize their chances every time they encounter Santa. For example, if you encounter Santa, you must perform all 5 draws (1 Free/4 Bonus) available in that single encounter. Skipping Bonus Draws after a free draw during an encounter or drawing fewer than 5 times would result in fewer total draws by the end of the event, preventing you from reaching the maximum of 250 draws."

Bonus draws require 200k mercenary badges each time. If you want to do this 50 times to get all the rewards, you need to have on hand the absurd amount of 10 MILLION mercenary badges… who the HELL has that many??? This is a currency everyone uses on a daily basis, which is locked behind token + mercenary badge vouchers and has an absurd cap of 100k per week that is overflowed every time you do WBR for no reason…

In previous events, you could just play the game and get the Glimpses of Chaos that are otherwise almost impossible to get. Here it’s now locked behind RNG at 0.8% chance… good luck getting any with your 50 free draws and 90 tickets from login rewards.

Event is about Santa TELIAVELIS for god’s sake… and still NO TRACE OF BORUTA SEAL +5… this is a level 380 item which should now be available to everyone, it’s absurd to make an event and still the damn NPC is not able to complete the seal with 100% chance when you put Magic Stones in the process… I don’t get it… this was the perfect event to say “during the event all Boruta Seal upgrades will succeed 100% with max Magic Stones”, but no, players will still see all their efforts during the past 3-5 years reduced to dust with no chance to ever have the opportunity to upgrade a seal anymore…

  1. 9th Anniversary Collection Event

Coin drop rate: solo/auto raids give 2, hard/seasonal raids give 30-50.
Currently you need 28500 GS to do the latter. At this point, everyone who either doesn’t have all-around +22 equipment with +25 accessories are out of the equation. Or you know… A BLOODY JURATE SEAL! So yeah give all the stat increases to people WHO DONT NEED THEM and forget about 99% of your remaining player base. Soon these 10 people will be the only ones remaining, as the rest of the frustrated players will irremediably leave the game…

Oh yeah I forgot the collections labeled (3) also require to upgrade the items to +20. Probability to do that is less than being struck by lightning in the middle of the Sahara… ten times in a row!!!

Well at least we can grab the free login stuff and spend the holidays doing something else…


After the first day having this event, my impression is even worse:

  • no Santa in any of the 20+ cm/ds/raid runs I did yesterday, no more vouchers for the week unless I spend over 20k badges getting the expensive ones, at this rate I don’t see how I will even get the 50 free rolls; at least there will be 90 free tickets from login, but good luck geting the tier 1 or 2 items…
  • 99% of the rewards are advanced ichor frags which turn into garbage ichors, meaning you go through 3 layers of RNG (chance of getting Santa + chance of getting something good + chance of getting a good ichor) just to throw away what you get in the end (yeah those advanced ichors are NOT fragmentable… so all you can do is type “DestroyNow” in your window)
  • got 13 event coins from doing some auto Isle (and one somewhere else), knowing that you need 90 for the first three collection items + one per enhancement up to +7, meaning a minimum of 112 for each of the first three collections, giving +5 to all stats, +200 attack and +2000 defense… I think I’ll simply convert these coins to Santa tickets and completely forget about this garbage event…

I thought last year event was bad… I can’t believe this year’s event is even worse, it’s just an insult to the remaining players…


My review is still valid then.


It is.

What made me play back in 2017:

  • advertisement from YT
  • downloaded the game to try (took 36h using ADSL at that time – had to leave my computer on from friday evening to sunday morning)
  • “Tree of Savior” login music
  • “Goddesses” login screen
  • amazing visuals
  • exploring every map doing every main quest, subquest, repeatable quests, monster hunting, 100% exploration, collections, gimmicks, minigames… not moving to the next map until previous was 100% completed (except for Royal Mausoleum Storage collections – f… those :haha:)
  • one full year to complete everything up to Mishekan Forest and the first Practonium to give purple 315 weapon
  • ET fun
  • original events (with minigames)
  • easy to use interface, clear explanations, no major bugs, fun to play classes…
  • straightforward upgrades
  • Leticia cubes with useful materials
  • Goddess cubes with shiny cosmetics for all the “dress your waifu” players


  • nothing to promote the game
  • players join, half of them play a few minutes and never come back, 99% of them are gone by the end of the first week
  • “generic” music and artwork, no effort on translation, recycled maps
  • “popo boost” event to automatically start level 500 with step-by-step missions to make an endgame character, literally skipping 99% of the game
  • gimmicky raids with absurd mechanics (come on… who thought that artificial “lag” effect on Noire raid was a good idea? or the unbreakable shield on Isle?)
  • absurd Gear Score requirements with inflated GS values on ultra-rare pieces of equipment that have zero impact on the performance of the character build, preventing 99% of the playerbase doing the latest content
  • copypasted coin events (do endgame raids - get coins - spend them to get the same stuff) with trolling rewards (you want this ultra-rare material to upgrade your character? let’s give you some during a few events… you need 10 of them? well we’ll give you 9 and let you cry at the 10th that you have 0.00000000000000001% chance of getting normally…)
  • clunky interface (who thought that movable UI items were actually a good idea?), no tutorial for new players, obsolete classes
  • major mouse and targeting bugs, rending half the skills unusable
  • class tiers (99% of old builds rendered obsolete, unlockable classes barely better than the old ones but having absurd unlock requirements – I wonder how long it will take to waste 20000 repair kits for Engineer…) with new class unlock vouchers in the Leticia cubes, each new released class being outright better than the previous one forcing you to constantly upgrade your build (well except for the Sledger debacle… but that’s another story)
  • RNG upgrades with trolling systems based on pure luck, splitting the playerbase not on build investement, but just on how a player is lucky or not (Boruta seal upgrade…)
  • obsolete items in Leticia cubes
  • no more Goddess cubes

The only players left are:

  • whales who spent so much they’re forced to spend even more
  • diehard veterans who want to minmax their builds
  • casuals who just don’t care anymore
  • Veliuona worshippers (come on devs… she had ONE LINE during episode 16 and you managed to cut it off with a misplaced end quest screen during her speech, so we won’t ever be able to see what she said…)