Tree of Savior Forum

Online World Map Updated

We updated our Online World Map. It now looks like the ingame world map again. We also updated all map levels to the correct values based on the current Korean Open Beta. Some maps still have an little offset of a few pixels but will do our best to get all maps as close as possible to the location they are supposed to be.


Yay :blush:

Looks a little less linear, which is good if it is.

TY Flash for a map update.

I had no idea the distance from Aspimenti Crossroads and Verkti Square was THAT long.

It’s like traveling 1/3 of the world in 1 map movement.

I added a Quick Select Box at the top so you can now easily select the map you are looking for. You can now also post links to a map on the worldmap so the one who click on the link will see that map with a red border on the world map:

I like it much more than the one they’ve had in the game before :3 It was a bit too claustrophobic IMO.

Wonder where they’d put a third starting town 8D

Also, interesting the highest maps go to about lvl 475 so far. Will the rest towards 600 be coming into corners on this map or will they expand the pic more and more right away as they add new places?

Or perhaps they’ll be adding more 400ish maps and building slowly to 500 the first big updates after release. It would make sense if 500-600 was impossibly ridiculous in terms of exp required. It would be interesting if they actually intended to make it something no one will ever reach XDDD

probably on the left, a mountain village and the journey around the unexplored mountains off current map…

or on another continent across the sea :blush:

oh looks nice XD XD…