Tree of Savior Forum

One time purchase Team Storage and Trading

The suggestion

  • Create a one-time use consumable item that grants a lifetime access to your Team Storage (Team Storage Pass)
  • Create a one-time use consumable item that grants a lifetime access to 1:1 Trading (Trading Pass). By making this a separate item you also encourage the creation of “Pure merchant” characters, which is a good thing IMO, that’s one of the things that made trading in Ragnarok so dynamic.
  • Each Pass only works for a single character, so you can make special offers for 2+ packs (people love special offers).
  • Make it marketable, since it’s one of the most important features of a MMO everyone whales are sure to buy lots of those.

The reason

Right now you can’t Trade nor use the Team Storage unless you’re using a Token, this is bad for both free and paying players for many reasons already posted on this section. I understand the game needs to make money and I won’t tell the devs to be less greedy, so I’d like to suggest something that’s profitable for them and should be “good enough” for us players.

I know that wouldn’t be the most satisfying solution for us players, specially since that’s an easy way for whales to make in-game money, but I believe it could be an attractive solution for the devs and in the end it would be a great benefit for the free/low investment players.


all i want if to trade with my friends or a decent loot distribution , i’m really unsatisfied with tos trading and loot system right now

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Allowing 1:1 trading would solve some of your problems then.

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