Tree of Savior Forum

One day Wizard c3 will get nerfed or adjusted and Pyro will get buffed

And I will sit upon my tower of flames and death and laugh… LAUGH… LIKE THIS


And this will play in the background



dance to the groves

Geez, now it’s funky time!

Burn baby burn!

More likely a class that buffs Fire spells will get put in. Pryo though? No. It’s strong enough in it’s level range.

They’re all gettin nerf’d :smiley:

The only class left will be dancing to U Can’t Touch This


Or you will just get a fire version of Chaplain. Agitated Fire Priest with tendency to burn stuff first and ask questions later.

New Wizard Class:
Same skills as Pyro but now you can set fire to the rain.


I never thought i’d see the day that a pyro would complain about a wizard.

That said they definitely need to tone down the bonus damage on quick cast.

Dropping it to 25-30% wouldn’t be bad. Knowing life the skill will get destroyed after the rework just like a Hangman Knot this month. Beware of what you ask for.

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the only reason for wizard to exist past wizard1 is quick cast.

if you run the numbers right now. a wizard1-pyro2-ele3-war actually has higher sustained damage output than wizard3. The only reason to take wizard3 is in anticipation for rank 8+

if its nerfed it will be because of community perception, not because of actual balance purposes.

I think pyro class, as many others (countless classes) need better skill design and cds rework. Man fireball u just put a f.ucking fire egg on the grund and bring mobs to step on it (so horrible). Fire wall is errr, flame ground is OK i guess (but they already made AoE smaller). But then u go c2 to get fire pillar (strong but small AoE, 2 minutes cooldown LOLS) and c3 hellbreath (sucking ur mana dry for that red gravity-pole version but much worse, huge cooldown as well ).

They should stablish some patterns regarding new spells as the circles goes high. For example, cryo gets 2 spells each circle, which is half a normal entire new circle (4 spells average) but we have to consider the possibility to get more levels on the previous one so that is reasonable.

I will create a pyromancer c3 just to wait for some exevo gran mas flam stuff in the future, who knows bro.

pyrolinker combos well with sorc and thauma. Its a low level class its not supposed to be a stand alone thing.

As i see it the classess form the first few circles are there to augment what you are taking later on. If you are taking a support or utility class, then taking pyro early on is good to give you some damage output and skills that, while nothing spectacular, synergyze well with later classess (all those pyro multihits work well with thaum, for example)

Dedicated direct damage non hybrids, take the higher rank dd classess, and spend their lower level selections on self-support classess that will multiply their effectiveness later on.

I dont see a real problem with this system. If you go from the mindset that a dedicated dd should just take nothing but dd ranks 2-10 then you just have a whole bunch of mediocre skills. As higher level dd needs lower level multipliers, lower level dd works best with higher level support.

without that bonus damage there is no point going wiz 3 .

Yes, it’s a gimmick.

Wizard needs an entire rework.

At c2 and c3 you gain tools to make later circles better, instead of just getting more immediatley useful abilities. Its a fair trade off. It doesnt replace other c2 and c3 options in all builds, only in some of them. pyrolinker is still great for people going sorc or thaum, cryo is still great for people going kino-rune, in some cases sorcerer, and people going chronomancer. And wizard3 is good for people going elementalist, in some cases kino.

The low level options seem pretty evenly distributed for potential build diversity to me.

IMO comparing wiz3 to pyro3 is like comparing a rocket to an aeroplane, if I made sense.

pyro3 allows you to rush through low level area but we don’t know how strong unreleased mobs will be. While wiz3 gives a major boost even till late game which could potentially cause discrimination unless your wiz tree previously went support/utility.
Just me opinion, ye can disagree no prob

I only find pyro possibly useless late game besides doing small consistent damage

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Keep in mind its not good to compare pyro3 to wiz3 because pyro3 requires wiz1.

you should be comparing wiz3 to wiz1-pyro2 (or pyro-linker)

As i keep summarizing, you go wiz3 if you plan to spend your later circles on solid dps classes, you dont go wiz if you plan to spend your later circles on support or utility classes.

Pyro is good because everything it has thats good is multihits. Flame ground is steady multihits, fireball is multihits. Firewall, if you max it out (which is pyro3 and not the 2 we are comparing against here, but still, to keep in mind), is good multihit power. Pillar is good multihit. Pyro is basically all about multihit.

Ultimately multihit scales well. It may not be super powerful on its own, but it is very consistently stable. This is why pyro goes well with things like thaum.

Basically nobody should be taking a pure build in this game. Everyone should have a dps source. taking pyro as your primary dps source means you have opted to augment it later on with soemthing like linker or thaum (or both!), or are looking for flame ground as a good fire and forget damage add while doing something like managing your summon.

If you plan, however, to take the later circles as a dps source, you notice that many skills arenot multihit, or if they are, are not the kind of multihit that pyro gives you. Instead they are longer cooldown single hit stuff, or less reliable things. These benifit less from the kind of synergy that thaum and linker offers, and more from the kind of thing wizard offers, cast interruption protection, cast speed increase, and final damage mutiplication.

In a way pyro is the wizards ‘auto attack’ class. Only instead of auto attacks, it just gives you several good small aoe multi-hit skills. Normal damage stacking things like thaum and arde dagger or priest buffs stack very well with this sort of thing.

If you plan on using late game dps classes, take wizard early. If you plan to take late game support or utility classes, take pyro early. Both are viable options, both can make you strong. The only bad move is not realizing the way that this games character builders work, and that you are supposed to build around synergy and complementary classes like this, and not just try and stack on circles of whatever sounds like the most damage oriented class, to make some sort of brute force super dps build.


So much for variety of class combination choices. I’m still not going wiz3 because I don’t wish to bore myself despite the overboosted attribute of quick cast being the amazing buff that it is. :c

the dude was right …

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lul what a find u did there :v
Also OP made a great choice with his BG! xD

I have a sissel Dexter, another one cantouchzis, and my 5hammer “hammer time” nobody ever noticed :frowning: