Tree of Savior Forum

Old player returning (maybe)

Simple questions

I heard about the event, do I need to make a new account to get the exp boosts or whatever it is? Had a couple of things on my old account since I played since the beta until r6 or r7. The exp boost is big enough for me to pass the lvl I had before and deal with switching steam accounts?

How is the fps at the moment? I remember getting 1-5 fps at dungeons and stuff like that, they improved it or not? One of the reasons I left,besides the no feedback on suggestions when the PvP on arenas first came out.

If you have good amount items/silver on your old account, you can use returning player event. But if you want to rush everything and get some early levels, go get ahead event.

About the performance, gaming is better than before. You can see it yourself.

PVP atm is super buggy.

The new player event exp is enough for you to reach 330 on several characters before the event ends (I made an alt account to test builds, you reach 330 in only a handful of hours if you abuse the dungeons).
The annoying side is that you will need to wait a week before being able to use the market or do normal trades…
If on your old account you have valuable items or a lot of silver, you could use the “returning players” event instead.

They did improve the game, so your FPS should be higher (you can also fully turn off the skills effects if really it’s too laggy), but it’s still in no way optimal. Much better for sure though. But it’ll still depend on your PC, I suppose.

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