Tree of Savior Forum

Old player back with ReBuild and im a bit lost with farm exp places

Hi, guys.
I need help with ideas to farm exp above 370 (370-390).
I leave before Beaty Shop comes, when the last dungeon is 300 (the last one, Armaos boss and the other one).

Thank you in advance!
Sry for my english.

have fun return and leave :slight_smile:

Do quests, you can get 390 pretty easily.

You dont even have to do anything aside from click on the party links you see in shout for astral tower CMs, thats literally it.

You can easily get 370 to 390 by simply doing CMs with others or alone, yes quests and many other methods work but at that high of a lv you can simply join others for CMs, groups typically have the full array of xp boosts aswell; statue, seeds, cookies etc.

And try to ignore the people that tell you to leave, they just want their private Ragnarok Server back.

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