Tree of Savior Forum

Offical website "Story" page

A lot of grammar is wrong or awkward (and wrong). Here’s an edit I submitted to GitHub as well. I may have changed the intended meaning of some parts as I don’t have the original Korean to work with.

Blessed by Goddess Laima, the capital was a symbol of prosperity. Under the reign of a wise king and with the blessings of the Goddesses, happiness filled the lives of its people.

Goddess Zemyna, goddess of earth, blessed the land with good harvests each year. Goddess Gabija, goddess of fire, taught people how to use fire to warm their homes and cook their food. Goddess Vakarine’s star helped travelers navigate their way, and Goddess Ausrine guided souls to rest in peace. The Goddesses were always with their people.

But prayers began to be left unanswered one day. The people thought the Goddesses would return soon and did not take them seriously… But that may have been a sign of danger.

The Divine Tree suddenly emerged at the center of the capital and ravaged the kingdom. The capital was destroyed before anything could be done and many shed tears for the loss of their loved ones. The people fled but the disaster overtook them.
The sight that greeted the survivors was gruesome. Lush trees and splendid flowers turned into monsters that swallowed people, turning land and forest into a living nightmare. The capital collapsed and its impact was so great that the damage extended to other cities.

The Day of the Divine Tree.
Four years have passed but these words still haunt the people of the kingdom. The monsters are as barbaric and as fierce as ever, and no one knows when the capital will be restored. The Goddesses did not return.
Four years were not enough to heal the wounds of the people inflicted on that terrible day, but everyone has been striving and yearning for their old lives.

One day, in the midst of despair, the people of the kingdom gathered in Klaipeda, claiming that they had dreamed of the Goddess.
Could this be a sign of the Goddesses’ Return? Or is it the beginning of a new disaster? No one knows.


I don’t know about everyone, but for me, I think it’s intended that way.
Currently, it’s feel like a folk, a villager telling me the story of themselves than a narrator telling bed time story. xP

Yea but some of the spelling is actually just wrong… xD Hunt = Haunt…

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somehow its cute, but i have the feeling they wanted make it more medieval old accent , but well i am not native english.