Tree of Savior Forum

Offensive offhand upgrade after Arde?

Is there any other offhand upgrade that boosts damage besides Karacha? Venom dagger reduces your dmg on plate enemies. Is there any shield with +elemental dmg higher than arde?

The best would be to have both.

Karacha if you are only buying one.

Arde is enough for wizards already tbh

Ledas shield has 100ish ice prop. Its a nice alternative to have late game for wiz when shields become useful.

is the + 60 atk on medium target apply to magic as well?
otherwise karacha and Arde have the same +Fire element value.

yes, it applies on all damage ticks

As a related note. Is it worth going for otrava vs arde? I just got one recently and I and I am not sure if having a shield is better then losing about 30 elem damage.

Lose 30 elem damage but gain the ability to block. That 30 elem damage isn’t game-breaking.

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You also lose 261 patk/matk if you are partied with a Thaum though.


Swap to arde when you are partied with a Thaum then? Its not like you can’t carry the dagger around depending on whether you need more damage or survivability. Thaums aren’t very common from what I can tell.

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Thanks. Looks like i will just go with weapon switching. That might be very rare though I haven’t seen a thauma for quite a while now