Tree of Savior Forum

Off meta builds?

Good Night!
A come here to ask some suggestion to Off meta builds to wizard (focus on PVE, CM, Boruts, Raids )
Currently i use Warlock-Shadow-Onmy

Personally, i want make some build with Rune Caster or Chronomancer ( or Both? )
I think some build like Warlock/Chronomancer/Rune Caster
( in my mind this work, Warlock to DPS/Burst, Chronomancer to Reset Coldown and Cast Reduction and Rune Caster to AOE and MDEF Reduced )

I want some tips, suggestions!!

Ty for Help and Attemption!

With Rune Caster you can use Rune of Protection and Rune of Destruction for some bossing and WL can be your DPS class. I would go for Onmyoji as your third option to burst your damage and increase your rotation skills. I don’t know… Think it’s gonna work lol

My main is Warlock-RuneCaster-Onmyouji.
Need Asio trinket and Drakonas lynnki sit for cast reduction, unless you can compromise with with less damage and use a Rod.