Tree of Savior Forum

Objective Disadvantages of Swordsman

don’t forget some of swordman’s skills can only be used/procured under a specific condition

  • DoV : must take hit
  • Punish : great dmg must knockdown enemies before hand

some need enemy to be under specific status to gain extra (miniscule) dmg

  • Rim blow
  • Pommel strike

Some doesn’t work at boss

  • Restrain
  • Punish

I wouldn’t be so sure they meant magic attack. It’s quite likely the card is supposed to increase magic property attack.
For magic attack and for physical max attack there are two cards with +*.

Corsair 1 and 2 builds benefit from werewolf card. This makes builds with corsair get some good dps increase. They’re still balancing those cards so hopefully they will add more or nerf some lmao.

We should really wait and see what the card system ends up actually being. We only know the idea and some potential stats for them. If it ends up being a problem I’ll add it to the list. I like the idea though, I just hope it’ll be balanced.

I’ve never had an issue with hitboxes on swordsman attacks, be it with swords, greatswords or one hand spears.

Swordsman can move around while attacking like cleric and wizard, it"s called mid-air attacking.

The hit boxes aren’t bugged or not working properly, or anything like that. The problem is they are too small, and with enemies running around and the general mayhem of combat it can be fairly easy to miss an attack.

Yes you can mid air attack, but you can’t use skills, and it doesn’t offer high enough mobility.

I wouldn’t say Swordsmen have weak autoattacks. They have AoE autoattacks + a higher inherent AoE attack ratio than Clerics which are the only other character that can hit multiple enemies with autoattacks, and can use spears and 2handed weapons. The only class that’s really autoattack focused is Quarrel Shooter and even then QS kills groups slower than an autoattacking Swordsman because they can still only do single target DPS. If anything, autoattacks are the one pro Swordsmen have going for them.

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Good point. Although hit boxes and movement problems still stand. Also Swordsman auto attack would probably be weaker against bosses though, due to lower base damage.

i alredy quited my swordsman (and the game, again lol) till they buff swordsman more
lets see if rank 8 make things better, cus its like clerics will still rule and swordsman will still sck

i dont understand why they make a warrior class that sck, its like cuting off almost half ur player base, just look at warriors like classes in other mmos, always the most played, with mage


and a LOT of monsters and bosses are imune to bleed, so cross cut is in this list too

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Yeah, in every MMO and RPG I’ve played, I’m always a Swordsman, sad to see them in their current state. It was like this in Maplestory too. :frowning: Thankfully I’m not too far along so I have yet to hit the 200 wall, but I haven’t tried any other classes yet, so I wouldn’t have a direct comparison. Let’s hope they give them the buff they need. Let’s see if I’ll be able to cross some items of the list in the coming weeks.

this is the problem, coming weeks, i believe we will only see some improvments by the end of the year or later

If it’s not balanced by the time my Token expires, I think I’ll have to take a break. ToS has so much potential, I just don’t understand it. They’re hindering their own success.

helm chopper stun never works at boss ehem

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I absolutely hate that this is a thing.It hurts my soul as someone with 3 circles of Hoplite in their build.

And this is some garbage.The enemies in later maps [200+] especially, do this all the time and it’s incredibly irking.They’ll be visibly right in front of me,but because they’re some not-visible distance off the box,it’s all wasted.I have a spear,why is my range on it so bad?

YES.This,perhaps more than anything.I am so so so tired of having my ass kicked by magic attacks and unavoidable mage spells.There’s nothing we can do to seriously combat them,and even worse,in their Q&A [last week I think it was?] they basically confirmed they have no plans to change that.It’s not fair,and it’s a significant problem if they plan to keep drowning these later level maps in archer and mage monsters.


I’m a Hoplite 3 so I know the pain. I have to walk directly inside a swarm of enemies just to make sure everything hits.

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Dopp master said high risk high reward .
But swordie tree is all risk … where is my reward …
You need to be really intimate

Archer range just find perfect spot stand and hit
Or they run away ( than circling ) while hitting that …
Most the time takes agro … making swordie skill missed because of its long stand duration ( perfect example hoplite stabbing ) our dps is bad already lossing hits argh

Mage same as archer … but not the agro

Cleric :wink: our best buddy … still outdps swordie

Monk cause its different class in cleric ( physical )
They can heal themselves ( risk lowerd )
Safe zone ( inside no damage lelz immune to some cc) can be shared

Swordie pain barrier meat tank short duration … ( takes damages so we can throw our punny dps ) solo buff ( you are selfish that why your buff sucks )

But overall … dps melee is a sad story of tree of savior


It’s just 1-2 more AoE ratio, that’s not really a lot. Cleric has better kit to use auto attack comparing to swordman (safety zone, heal, deprotected zone)

2h weapon is the only plus point of swordman, but with 2h weapon you lose a gem slot, and the damage is weaker than 1h + arde/karacha/manamana/venom

In context, is the auto attacking a disadvantage, or are Cleric’s just better?

Clerics are generally better. Not that the auto attack damage is higher than swordman, but cleric can drop magic circle AND auto attack on top of that. There’s no way swordman can auto attack while using skills.