Tree of Savior Forum

Number of channels on Alameth Forest in Silute [SA]

Number of channels on Alameth Forest in Silute

As many of you may or may not know, Alameth Forest is the main map for grinding towards the level 220 range. In Orsha, where I was previously playing, this map had a 6 channel selection, which allowed to a decent amount of channel options when competing with other grind groups. Now that I have transferred to Silute there are only 3 channels available. This worries me because I believe that the competition for group grind is going to kill the spot, and make it so there is a gap with no good places to grind at.

It would be a shame if this spot would actually become too crowded to be an efficient grind spot. If anyone played on previously overcrowded grind maps they would know the frustration that this brings to them as a player, and how it can create for unenjoyable periods in the game.

With all that said, I would like to request that this gets some attention. It would be great if Alameth Forest could get some new channels, perhaps 6 channels just like it used to have in the Orsha server.

Thank you.


Number of channels depends on how many players on that map? I’m not sure if this is true tho.

We need more channel in all the grind maps.
Alemeth, Evacuation, Storage, Workshop and Maven Abby.

True, Alameth Forest and Evacuation are being the most wanted maps… no reason to reduce the number of channels.

First day in the new server and i can’t even grind, there is too many ppl fighting for mobs. I Dont wanna see a few days from now :frowning:
We need more Channels :smiley:

That means there’s not enough players in that map to make 6 channels. I play at SEA and I see 7-9 channels in those maps. I guess the channels depends on how many players are there on a map. It applies to all servers.

Actually, the server is new, they prob didnt expect that many players on these kind of maps (I’m in Alemeth now and its a hell to find a spot :frowning: )

Doesn’t matter, it will automatically make more channels if there are a lot of players in a map.

Its impossible to play with 3 channels, its difficulty :confused: