Tree of Savior Forum


Saulė is obvious best goddess.

Goddess of Sun(Which we need!!), Goddess of Life(Which we also need!!), and the Goddess of Fertility(DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY!!)!!


Praise the sun! As they all say. \[T]/

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splat oops. I didn’t mean to errrrr. @.@

Yeah the panties are over the top in this.

Oh Slurp! Slurp! Slurpels like! Slurpels will be mega phone warrior about this for awhile fellow Orsha socialite.

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Aha! Good luck with all the RMT spammers tho xD

I seriously thought Female Pally wore some sort of boxers or shorts underneath. Cause chain mail and all you know? >3> slightly disappointed.

Pfft You mean Busolini 2018? lulz

Yeah some costumes are excellent; others miss the mark. I’d like to see some edits done (maybe with community input / vote) as well as some sort of upgrade look for people who end up going c3 in a class. Even if it was some different pigmentation and a feather or stripe here and there.

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Gunnr’s old art entry :slight_smile:


This game if it blows up on release could be a bigger example of why localisation to the US market requires more than just translations. TERA suffered the same “problem” but was promptly dealt with.

i googled ToS pantsu and this is what i get. i’ll just leave it here :sunglasses:

had to cropped the ign tho


Except these are chibi artstyle - not pretend little girls. These characters have actual boobs.

Tera was slammed because “elin” were designed to look like underage girls in skimpy clothing - something that’s regarded with much more hostility in western markets.

Its going to be a tough sell.

It has nothing to do with underage / appropriate age. I see it being a conversation about equality. Political correctness if you will. This isn’t my stance but I like to play Devil’s Advocate.


thank you, that was much needed :joy:

Costume dyes, altho a bit far fetched from what we have now? I’m not sure.

I’m glad they’re releasing C3 costumes for some classes, hopefully as the game gets going there’ll be more to be released. The rentals aren’t a bad idea ether, I really like how they look too~

LOL why the male wear pantsu too ? XD

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She must be wearing mine…

because reasons. mostly fanservice. you should check out male Peltasta sitting down. :blush:

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best thread soo far… despite all the negative threads. haha! thumbs upp!!!

would you prefer them going commando?


/20 characters \m/