Tree of Savior Forum

Nowadays it is better for Supp Cryo/Chro Sage 2 or Enchanter 2?

  • Sage C2
  • Enchanter C2

0 voters

Sage c 1 - Sorcerer 1 for Summon Servant buffs.


same, i take sorc 1 for servant buff, +5 aoe and SP will help more in party

Is the distribution of points correct?
Full SPR or Full CON?

If you have sorc then full SPR. CON is not quite needed cuz you can get some from your SPR via enchanter shops.

What about Cryo/Chro Sage 1 and Enchanter 1?

Sage 2 isn’t better than Sage 1 if you want a support character, missile hole is a 5 points skill.

Enchanter 1 is terribile, the only good skill is enchant lightning. Enchanter 2 is way better with enchant earth and more damage with lightning hands (with its sweet attribute).

I’d say Sorc1Sage1 or Enchanter2.

Enchanter2 70 con rest into int.

Full SPR is better if you have Sorcerer.
As for your skill points, I’d take out 4 points from lethargy and add 1 point in Earthquake and 3 points in energy bolt. Take 1 point from ice wall and add 1 ice bolt. Max Quicken, maybe take a few points from Stop.