Whats good is all perspective. How long does it generally take you to figure out if a game is good or not? Days, Weeks, Months, Years? I can pretty much play for a couple hours and tell if I find something enjoyable. So yeah, if you’re weighing down server space w/o making any contribution after you’ve deemed it a bad game, then you’re a “freeloader”.
It’s not that “Freeloaders” bother me, (besides me paying so they can play. Besides, w/o paying customers you wouldn’t be able to play the games you so obviously dislike.) it’s the general concept of the type of people who play F2P games with no intention of ever spending a dime. Been through enough F2P model games to know well enough what certain groups of people tend to be like this more so than not.
No BR’s are not all Trolls. I’ve met a few I liked, and they were nice folks. Most of them I met shared my same feelings towards their own nation. As I previously stated above, I tend to block, ignore anyone who uses such terms as to me; it’s childish. Huehue, Yolo, Swag, Umad, HeMad or spam idiotic Meme’s. You can dislike the fact I have a distaste for most BR’s (or anyone who uses those terms on a normal basis), but that’s the great thing about opinions. Our perspectives might be different, but ultimately it’s guided by our experiences in whatever we do.