Tree of Savior Forum

Now that Steam games are being nominated for awards

Didn’t you just kill your main argument with this? You pretty much stated that I had every right to say what I wanted. Yet your initial response that start ALL THIS was because you wanted to give me “a lesson”.

My issue with you is that you attempted to DEFINE FOR ME, what you yourself ended up calling [ambiguous].

In the same way I can’t insist I’m right (which really wasn’t the root of why I’m lashing at you), you also can’t claim you are.

Quite the ironic turnout eh?

This is a late reply because I slept.

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This is where we disagree.

I am still having fun in the game, still throwing money at it (as I am part of the problem when it comes to that) but I can’t lie that IMC is definitely a horrendous games developer & publisher because I’ve experienced it first hand from GE, + my GF is a GM at one of the longest running money making machines of IMC.

ToS is, at most, a sub-par game functionally, but stocked full of nostalgia and with excellent art direction and music. That’s why I still play because I can enjoy that… I don’t enjoy the fact that IMC runs and owns the show though.

And good morning to you as well. :smiley:

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Nothing about Trauma everything about freeloaders and huehue’er trolls. :slight_smile:

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Like this?

ToS nominated for “WORST PUBLISHER” award.

Got ya, I’m freeloader myself. I won’t spend money on games until I know they are good, thats it, by playing them. I know how hype changes the way I and most people think. Those videos you see about a game, and you go wow! maybe it’s just good advertisement. Specially in MMO’s, where most of them fail at launch.
Throwing your money at a game in a glance of an eye is like having sex without condom: its risky.
I don’t know what about freeloaders bothers you so much.
About trolls and huehuehue, well, not all BRs are trolls and I use huehuehue just for the lols. You gotta get your ■■■■ straight.

Whats good is all perspective. How long does it generally take you to figure out if a game is good or not? Days, Weeks, Months, Years? I can pretty much play for a couple hours and tell if I find something enjoyable. So yeah, if you’re weighing down server space w/o making any contribution after you’ve deemed it a bad game, then you’re a “freeloader”.

It’s not that “Freeloaders” bother me, (besides me paying so they can play. Besides, w/o paying customers you wouldn’t be able to play the games you so obviously dislike.) it’s the general concept of the type of people who play F2P games with no intention of ever spending a dime. Been through enough F2P model games to know well enough what certain groups of people tend to be like this more so than not.

No BR’s are not all Trolls. I’ve met a few I liked, and they were nice folks. Most of them I met shared my same feelings towards their own nation. As I previously stated above, I tend to block, ignore anyone who uses such terms as to me; it’s childish. Huehue, Yolo, Swag, Umad, HeMad or spam idiotic Meme’s. You can dislike the fact I have a distaste for most BR’s (or anyone who uses those terms on a normal basis), but that’s the great thing about opinions. Our perspectives might be different, but ultimately it’s guided by our experiences in whatever we do.

err, why u hate us? why? xD :frowning:

Hate is a strong word friend. I don’t hate anyone. Dislike perhaps. :slight_smile:

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This is the truth man you have to accept it ;_;

Because much like in the real world. Saying words like Huehue, lulz, Umad ect, will get you looks of disbelief. Either that, or they’ll think you’re full on retarded. Oh and Triggered. I wish I could find the guy who coined that into today’s new and improved internet lingo. (mostly so I could slash his tires.)

Morning Hauk! :slight_smile:

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A paywall will Make TOS Great Again :slight_smile: Time to weed out the freeloaders

Game does not need a “Paywall.” They need to fix bugs and work on content worthy enough for people who play the game, want to support it.

And that will come in time.

Unless this tree burns down hard, and jump mobile which is an easier cash cow product for any publisher.
Oh wait scratch that, it already has.