Tree of Savior Forum

Now I'm thinking about AA Lets try.. AAA


Now I’m thinking about AA… Would it be hard to do in Tos engine ( addon or just in game mechanic, IMC) For Auto Auto Attack? AAA ;p you press “z” and you give your character command to AA until you press “z” again and keep all inputs on server side to avoid lag issues. So you would make 100% with full Aspd, AA dmg even with (5 fps 150 ms)

Is something like that possible?

It don’t have to be “z”, it can bee additional option in menu to activate that etc.

how lazy do you have to be to even think about this ?

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for SR or BM, maybe that fun…
but when melee aa like monk, corsair and such, it will lock you in the place. i dont think that will work well

it’s illegal to share macro here, rite?

ehm in mouse mode i just click once and my munk just stays and attack in the same place and direction, i think it works as expected(same with sadhu oob aa)

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It’s not about lazyness… but efficient. If your atk speed > server ms = you loose dmg
like on boruta when you have 30-40ppl an 15fps, 150ms… you just can’t AA… or your AA gonna do 10% of a dmg.

“for SR or BM, maybe that fun…
but when melee aa like monk, corsair and such, it will lock you in the place. i dont think that will work well”

It don’t have to be “z”, it can bee additional option in menu to activate that etc. - like i said before

-“ehm in mouse mode i just click once and my munk just stays and attack in the same place and direction, i think it works as expected(same with sadhu oob aa)”

Yes, but input is still on your side, so when your fps / ms are bad = no dmg

In games like “wow” - targeting system, when you start to AA mob, that input stays on Server side = 100% dmg even if you get disconnected for 3 sek… etc due the lag

In ToS, when Optimization is 1/10… that kinda lags kills AA on end game stuff.

I like AA characters and I would like to do dmg with them not being restricted by game optimization

Auto attack is actually wrong, what we are using is basic attack.
Auto attack is what it would be called if it was automatic, hence auto auto attack is redundant.

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