Tree of Savior Forum

Notify if reported player is banned or RII is gained

Hello guys!,

In dota 2 and other big games after you report some player, you get a notification in case the reported player gets banned.

It feels rewarding since you know that:

  1. Your help (reporting) is really taken in consideration and is in fact doing a positive impact.
  2. It shows that you guys are actually taking action against them and the speed of action you take against the botter after they are reported which may give the GM’s a good reputation.

In my opinion, notifications about actions taken against the reported bot (with their name included) are more rewarding, but I supose notifications about gaining RII would work too.

These micro-rewards really have a BIG impact in making you want to report / help more.

Sometimes we forget the power of a simple “Thank you”…

I hope this suggestion is well received by the community and the staff, since it already proven good results in other games. Please let me know below what do you think about this :blush:

Happy gaming!

I was wondering this as well. Surprised nobody else has shared their opinion. Sometimes these sections get overlooked. :slight_smile:

It would be nice if we could check our RII somewhere in the game at least. I know for a fact that I’ve reported dozens or bots that have appeared in the ban list, but I have no idea where my RII stands.