Tree of Savior Forum

Noob try to build first character

Hi guys, what you think about this
I simply wanna do some dmg with wiz3 magic missile and lock dark magic buffed by the sorc cat :smiley:
Also alch can be useful cause of the potion making. Mainly for pve but i consider some pvp ocasionaly for sure (i think cryo freezing can help a lot).
All point 1:1 for int and spirit…

Let me guess…i’m totaly wrong?? :smiley:

cryo 1 is meh, sorc 1 will drain your mana, alch is a gold seller.

and the cat gives you property attack to your damage, not to warlock abilities only.

Thats why i wanna alch for pots=mana, cryo can help in some pvp…i think.

If the reason you choose alche is because of the pots, you can just buy it from the market without need to lose the whole one rank just for that :slight_smile: I find that your classes are not that synergy (cryo/sorc/alche). However, if you really insist on having those classes, I think it is nice if you up your circle class in that build. Having too much level 1 circle will not maximise your character’s potential and you may find difficulty at later stage.

Also, SPR is much less important than CON (SPR especially is not recommended for Sorcerer). Generally people go for INT and CON, with the ratio varies e.g. 4:1, 3:1, 2:1, 1:1.

I suggest you to have a look at some of the posts in the forum. There are many alternatives for similar build like yours, with more detailed explanation. It takes time to read but you will learn more from their posts =D

Ok, thx a lot for advise.
What i find interesting in posts i look is wiz3-ele3-warlock but still i wanna that alchemy cause i hear that pots from alchemy are better than those from vendor so… i dont know :confused:

Now i’m consider wiz3-ele2-alch1-warlock but i’m not sure if its too late…i got 57 points in spirit already :frowning:
If anyone can suggest which stats should i focus now?? INT and CON i suspec…

You can buy other alchemists’ pots, which are going to be far better than yours since you’ll only have 1 circle of Alchemist. Alchemists require materials to create their potions. If you’re not going to create the highest level of potions with those materials, you’re better off trading the materials you have for the potions.