Tree of Savior Forum

Noob here, bunch of questions (Cryomancer builds)

Hello everyone. I just started to play the game a few days ago and can’t decided how should I build my Cryomancer.

As of now, I’m at Wiz1->Cryo2 and intend to get Cryo3 as well because I really really like how the Frost Pillar skill looks. After that tho, I haven’t been able to set a build in stone. I have a lot of questions and hoped to get some answers here. For the record, I already read guides and saw some popular builds, some questions even have to do with them.

1.- How is the Cryo3->Chrono3->Sage build’s damage? I know is a really popular build, but being a support character, would I be able to level by my own without it being a chore or would I have to rely on a guild/party for that?
2.- Other that the PP+IW combo, do the CryoKino have something going for them? I can appreciate a good combo but the last thing I’d want from my character is to become a one-trick pony
3.- How is CryoKino’s performance outside of PvP?
4.- In a Wizard guide I saw Linker recommended for Cryo, but I haven’t seen many CryoLinker builds (not even in that same guide), what gives?
5.- Is Linker worth taking even if I’ll most likely spend most of my time solo or with a very small party? Could a Wiz3-Cryo3-Link2 or Wiz1-Cryo3-Link2-Warlock2 or even Wiz1->Cryo3->Link2->Kino2 build work in terms of having both decent damage and support?

Thanks in advance for any and all answers.

Hey there, welcome to the game! I just came back recently after not playing for a long time, and have only just gotten my first circle 6 character – so I’m not really able to comment on late game or anything like that. However cryomancer was my first character, and I really enjoy em, and went with cryolinker.

Now you can take what I say with a grain of salt, as anyone else who comments will likely be much more up to date and experienced than I am. As far as everything I had researched/been told/experienced up to a point, I can say…
Both linkers and chronos are very, very appreciated, and I don’t believe they every really become useless. There are maps later on with link resistant mobs, but as a cryolinker you have very nice crowd control regardless. The most popular build when I was playing was Cryo-Linker2-Chrono3. I do believe that has switched to Pryo, assuming because of an accessory that gives them a lot of damage. I did go Cryo 3 for snowball shenanigans though.

Cryomancer damage is absolutely atrocious, sadly. Linker makes it go a bit more easily for soloing. Cryokino (and with Runecaster in particular) is definitely a one trick pony. You can melt bosses into oblivion, but the icewall cool down is quite long and you won’t really do much against packs of mobs. It’s a single target burst > AOE style. Some people have said it’s fun, and others find it boring!

I personally find linker awesome no matter what. It’s very very handy solo. It’s super satisfying to JP > Hangman’s Knot > Ice Pike :slight_smile: And in parties, people will love you, no matter how small. Joint Penalty does have a hit count limit, so keep that in mind.

For builds, I’m a bit interested in this as well. My cryomancer is left at Cryo3 Linker. I would really like to take Sage, but people tend to say not to bother with only going Chrono2. I know Thaumaturge 2 has a lot of benefits, but it’s not as popular. I don’t really think you can go wrong with Linker and Sage, though, and cryo3 brings a really nice amount of crowd control!

I’m sorry for all the rambling :frowning:

Depends on what you build you char for.
My opinion as Cryo3Kino3RC, PVE only player.
My build provide full CC capability. While dmg from psychic pressure and gravity pole are enough to get rid of mobs pre-R8.
But when bossing, it’s true that I have to rely on icepressure combo. But that is already plenty(even competitive with other dps). It is challenging and give satisfying return.

If you solo often, linker should be taken to be able to kill anything since cryo deal little dmg as it is CC-oriented class.

Thanks to both of you for your answers.
I don’t really have any expectations for the endgame yet. That’s also a reason as for why I can’t decide. Had I decided “I’ll be a PVP player” it would be easier but sadly, that’s not the case. I rarely devote myself to a single activity and prefer to be kind of a jack of all trades.
From your responses it seems CryoLinker is more like what I’m looking for, able to both solo and party to a decent degree.
Assuming I go Cryo3->Link2 (I’ve read C2 is enough for linker, correct me if I’m wrong), which class would be better to dedicate the remaining 2 circles? I’d assume a Attack-type class like the Warlock would be better no? What about Wiz3 or even Wiz2->Sage for Surespell support?

No problem! I’m in the same boat you are. From my reading, yes, linker 2 does seem to be just fine. When I was making my character I was told linker 1 was perfectly fine, but I think 2 is considered more desirable now. A very outdated recommendation was Sorcerer, I don’t think that’s a good idea at all now. I have seen warlock mentioned a few times. It may be a nice choice for giving you some damage soloing. Featherfoot would definitely not be a good idea. I haven’t really seen many people interested in surespell, and Wiz2 doesn’t really bring anything else at all sadly. I think you’d be better off with warlock ->sage. Now, Chrono 2 does give you quicken, reincarnate, and haste. I don’t think those are anything to really scoff at, especially the haste and reincarnate. It won’t provide any damage, but I am considering that for my cryo regardless of what people say. You won’t have pass, but I think there’s an awesome mix of utility between cryo/linker/chrono/sage.

But with the soloing aspect in mindddd… yes, probably warlock. There’s necromancer too, but I haven’t heard much anything good of them since I came back, aside from being amazing AFKers. But I don’t think Wizard 2 will be of much help :frowning:

Levelling with a cryo is not that bad you can just go through all the quests and map completion for exp cards. The Ice Pike is a boss killer for early games. Another would be the Ice wall, you would need a staff weapon and use the melee to attack the pillars to do some projectiles, or just cast a straight wall an let the boss run around it as it chases you.

going for cryo c3 means you can play a bit with your skill points. Like when on cryo c1 and you only need two skills, you can leave the remaining 5 skill points to the next circle skills instead of forcing yourself to level up a skill that you wont use. You can end up with maxing out key skills such as
Frost Pillar
Snow Rolling
Subzero Shield

Ice Wall or Ice Pike (I still use ice pike up to this day but since you’re going for a support role, I guess Ice Wall would be a better choice)

Investing a bit on Ice Bolt would be nice for freezing purposes too. The attributes learned in this skill gives a high freeze chance as well as you can run around while casting this skill

My build is an all rounder (I just go for the skill aesthetics and costumes tbh)

Wiz1> Cryo3 >Sorc2(for the catbuff)>War1>Ench1

wiz 1- well c1 doesn’t really do much for damage so i go for these
Quake - use this as some kind of anti mob escape bomb
Reflect - for aethetics

Ice Bolt 1 - High freeze chance on attributes running cast. Good for running away or running after.

Ice Pike 15 - mob freezing and additional damage on late game. New update gives it 3 charges instead of just 2

Subzero shield 10 - High freeze chance on melee mobs. decent damage reflect. This pretty much kills some high damage monsters that has a damage that outmatches their HP. Being a CON build chances are you will out-survive them. Good for hunting quests on high level maps when you meet the minimum requirements for questing

Ice Wall 9 (depends if you want to max this to 14 and alternately leave Ice Pike to 9)- This skill is pretty much useful in many ways with a creative mind. Players can’t jump over it (Frost Pillar + Ice Wall combo). It can shotgun walls with multiple hits (makes short work on those quests that involve breaking stuff by hits and not dmg). Your psych party member would love this.

Snow Rolling 5 - for crowd control or basically buy time for your other skills to cool down. you also stand out in your party if you want senpai to notice you.

Sorc 2

Summoning 10
Ride - very nice if you need that extra HP to run around high level maps for map completion. Summoned demon skills are flashy as they are useful too

Morph- 2 sets of demon skills = twice the flashy
Hold - this a very useful skill if you want your summon to stay where they are even if you run around managing mob as it kills them. It also makes your summon to keep attacking bosses that can send you flying with their punches.
Attack Ground- Good for telling your summon to go first an die for you or use as mob bait for frost pillar (so you can proceed your gathering quest without fighting hard to kill monsters)

Summon Servant 5 - Everybody likes catbuff~

Salmion 1 - So that I won’t feel left out when a necromancer brags her numerous summons. Nice decoy and has some abnormal stat attributes

Summon familiar 10 - they actually do a lot of damage. and has no time limit. unlike summoning that drain your SP. Plus a swarm of bats makes you look 10x more cool than having an army of zombies

War 1

Pole of Agony 5 - goes nicely with catbuff

Dark The Urge - a defensive circle that works like Reimu’s Ying Yang Balls. Nice skill for hunting lower level life forms when you’re being lazy to hold the attack button. fast cooldown time

Invocation 1 - others prefer maxing this out for farming purposes, but I just invest on 1 skill point so i won’t feel left out as a warlock

Mathesma - I really don’t have a practical use for this other than it has AoE and make it look like i can draw magic circles on the ground

Evil Sacrifice - Hohoho. When your party has better Theurge and Invocation than you. You can use their spirit bombs with this skill. Also you basically spoil the fun for those botters in Demon Prison.

Enchanter 1 - For more flashy moves

Enchant Armor 2 - 24hr effect I just need the MDef enchantment, though you might want to level this up further being a support and all. I also won’t feel left out when everyone starts to put up their shops

Enchant Lightning 2 - i just want to look eeeeelectrifying. you can also static shock non party members so everyone can run around looking fabulous. I’ve heard great news on maxing this skill for support roles

Craft Magic Scroll 5 - I don’t think you need this if you don’t want to max out Pole of Agony since this is the only skill you can craft if you take my route. For me, I can cast 2 Poles of Agony at the same time, double the pain double the pleasure (Plus I want the echanter costume, so I didn’t c2 my flower looking warlock). You can leave this skill and max out enchant lighting

Empowering 5 - Well it’s a buff that I can tell you. Grants players a temporary level up of 5. Party members benefit from it as well. Gives you temporary extra SP capacity that can be easily refilled via pots (or 5 secs in a bonfire like the pleb that I am) that can be used for my summoning (by the time the buff wears off my SP looks like it wasn’t even drained by my summon). Or sometimes the temporary SP bonus can let me go full retard on all my skills without caring for SP usage (Coz I’m a pleb who can’t afford SP pots other than the free ones I get on quests. Up to this day i have 600+ of those freebies)

Agility 1 - increase stamina and evasion. You’re better off maxing enchant armor than this. But if you want to look like you’re flaking leaves (like me) i don’t see why not

Again, thanks for the replies.
Is Warlock C2 not recommended if I go Warlock? I ask because FriskyFox recommends Warlock->Sage and Skonryu Warlock->Enchanter
I like Sage so choosing Sage and only 1 Circle of something else
would be cool.
For now, Cryo3-Link2 is already in stone for me, so I have more time to think about the last 2 circles.
I’m also considering Kino1->Sage and Chrono1->Sage.

there’s a lot of people going for warlock c2

though if you ask my opinion Warlock c2 > Sage > Enchanter (because I really just play this game for the aesthetics)

Though if you’re going for support, Sage is the usual option, especially when you’re going for a linker

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I have no experience with Warlock, so I can’t say too much. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, but you don’t have the most optimal set up for one. Sage comes with excellent support, and does have another damaging spell, so there is that :slight_smile: I personally also really enjoy their outfits. Enchanter looks fun too, but I would probably go a slightly different build path. That’s just me though!

I’m with skonryu on enjoying aesthetics, too. Of course the class should be fun, but it’s pretty neat enjoying the flare of your classes hahaha.

I wish you the best on your build path, and I hope you have a great time! Let me know how it goes, and what you pick. Which server do you play on?

Got to Cryo3 yesterday. Definitely made a good choice, so much fun to play with Frost Pillar, Ice Wall and Snow Rolling.
Speaking of aestethics alone, I think I’ll go Wiz1->Cryo3->Link2->Rune->Sage. Rune Caster is a stand-alone class so I won’t feel bad picking just 1 circle. Also, Rune of Ice should be good for my Cryo3 no? And I like the costume. I think is my favorite among Wizard-classes
I play in Orsha FriskyFox :slight_smile: Anyway, thanks all of you for your answers.

PvP? just max frostpillar / snowrolling / icewall and crashs everyone.

do not forget about the 6 second casting time for each rune, i think you should reconsider.