Tree of Savior Forum

Non-stop crashing channels [Telsiai]

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Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : Since December 2, 2017

Server Name: Telsiai

Bug Description :
Klaipeda town all channels and most maps are always crashing since yesterday evening. It all started when channel 1 crash then after a while other channels started crashing too. Expect a crash every 5-15 mins.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Go to any town or map wait for it to crash.

Please fix it asap, @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri

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crashes even in dungeons

Still crashing! Fix it pls. This is not a good way new welcome newcomers, crashing at the first major town!

i keep disconnecting from the game… what is happening??

Currently, we are facing a bit unstable on the server issue, the programmers already applied more fix-ups for the server but more patches will arrive to improve the situation. I hope this situation gets better soon.


Thanks for the feedback.

I can’t log into any of the channels too. Keep getting stuck at character select.

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Is it the Commander already exists?

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“Savior to Staff, Savior to Staff…the Commander has still yet to arrive to brief the saviors… Situation on ground as reported.”


Staff confirmed on the situation. Sending more information to encourage devs to speed up.


Channels still crashing in Telsiai - Klaipeda :sob:


Lol is this only on telsia? were just kicked out in our earth tower pt wtf. LFP ET25F 1 RUN ONLY :confused:


all 3 of my characters are currently unable to enter past the lodge interface. When I try to enter it only shows Entering World then it just vanishes and nothing happens. Please fix as fast as you can. I already wasted a couple of dungeon runs because of this problem.


Well done IMSHEET



now in Saalus Convent channel 1 always crash

I can’t login in the game, too :sad:

it’s a picture :tired:

Are you ready for 3 exp tome compensation from all these wasted runs?

3x exp tomes (14 days)

I have been told Orsha works fine. Cause it’s too dead to crash :haha:

Such coincidence that last month , roughly 30/10/17 . ALL servers experienced unstable servers.
Is there something unnatural going on at the end/start of a month ?

Some official announcement / transparency would be nice…

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