Tree of Savior Forum

Non-premium hair issues with rapier

This has been bugging me since I’ve reached fencer a month ago but after my friends told me they could see the issue too I’ll post this in hopes of being addressed at the very least.

How to replicate the bug: As a female fencer, non-premium hair doesn’t move/has no animation when dashing while equipped with a rapier/moving with rapier unsheathed. Tried rapier/no offhand, rapier/shield, rapier/dagger and 1h sword instead of rapier but the issue only persists with rapiers equipped.


Long Ponytail with Rapier

Long Ponytail with 1h sword

I can post screenshots for Volume Curl if necessary, and I really hope it’s just me and my friends who are having this issue because I already hate the premium clipping hair.

Thanks for wait our reply.
We apologize for the inconvenience this issue.
Our dev team already fixed it out and will be applied for next patch.
If you have any other questions, just inform us that :slight_smile:

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