Tree of Savior Forum

Non farmer-focused Shadowmancer build?

Hi everyone!
I’ve been testing and researching some wizard builds this week, but I having trouble finding a a shadowmancer build that isn’t a farmer focused build (defining a farmer build has a linker2-Thaumaturge3-shadow2, shadow been the unique circle that provide damage skills). I’ve tested those farmer builds and, while they can be pretty powerful and bugdet friendly, i find the link mob->swell mob->damage skill->wait coldown rotation a little boring to be honest…

So far, shadowmancer appears to have a really good damage, but has some problems with flying enemies (attributes don’t apply) and some Sp isues (if you don’t go full SPR). Shadow skills seens to benefit from some kind of mob gathering skill, this bring some synergies in mind:

  • Cryo - Frost pillar helps positioning the mobs for conjuration and condensation. Ice wall can help creating more orbs for conjuration burst.
  • Linker - Join penalty seens to be the unique away of making the thorns hit more than 1 enemy. Hangman can also help gathering the mobs for the conjuration and consensation.

To solve the Sp problems, going full SPR seen like the best alternative. For this route two cicles come to mind:

  • Thaumaturge - The arms buffs + the brain buff helps increasing the damage, reducing the damage loss by going full SPR.
  • Sorcerer - Summon do a lot of sustained damage, and the cat buffs are kinda nice to have too. Benefits a lot of a full SPR build, thanks to the summon scaling of SPR.

Combining some of those circles looks to be the best away to make a good shadowmancer build, but i’m having a hard time finding the right balance for the build…

Did anyone found the right combination for a shadowmancer build? Or is linker2-thaumaturge3-shadow2 the best away to go for a shadowmancer?

Wiz-Cryo3-Sorc2-X-Shadow 2 has been working very well so far, full SPR.

In my case I went X=Linker just so I could increase my AoE damage a little more, but it’s a filler rank for whatever really. It’s got a good balance between support and damage which I love, so I’m keeping it. Wizard lacks a good hiden class for a 1 rank wonder. Rune simply doesn’t cut it.

Interesting thing is it actually works very well for farming as well. Obviously I don’t benefit from double drops (no thauma), but it’s a very solid PvE build for both party and solo play.

wiz-pyro3-sorc3-shadow2, pure spr build. This has the perfect dps balance of aoe and single target. Cyro is more of a utility tool but i have both variants of sorcerer’s (Pyro & Cyro) and Pyro’s wins handsdown.

this is my build :
Wizard2 > Linker2 > Sorc2 > Featherfoot > Shadow2

Sorc 2 for riding if you are bored of doing the same combo everyday
featherfoot for healing… and some melee skill if you bored playing range… i am use dagger and rod, LEL and remember, beside summon CAT GIVE SP RECOVERY SPEED!

this build is decent for non geared noob to farm Hunting Ground 340… you will need FF heal…
the mob have insane HP and deadly attack againts who not well geared…

this build is for fun and casual player :3

Wiz3-ele3-sorc1-shadow2 (honestly think sage2 better for this though)

as my suggestions

I have tried to fit sorc2 in. Now I’m left with 2 choices.
Full SPR.

Both are good, but I’m inclined to linker.

IMO any SPR shad build with link2+, thau2+, sorc2+ is viable.

I run this build @Yashiry
Wizard 3 > Thaumaturge > Sorcerer > Rune Caster > Warlock > Shadowmancer 2

You might also remove 1 Wizard circle and RC to get Linker 2 in it…
or remove RC to get Thau 2 or Sorc 2 depending on what you prefer (some more atk or being able to mount the summon).

Stat distribution for my build is 200 SPR (Innate Char SPR + Invested Points) and rest on INT. Equip can be INT/SPR.

The reasons behind it?

Wizard 3: Grants you Quickcast (for RC), Max Sleep, Magic Missile (which is always useful) and a Lv15 Reflect Shield that will make you receive “1 Damage”.

Thaumaturge: Grants you Swell Left Arm (200 SPR is based on an avg amount of total INT/SPR and the consequent Lv6 swell arm boost, to compensate the 200 SPR investment). Swell body might come handy in some situations, but do never underestimate Shrink Body and the attribute to make monsters affected by it receive additional damage by everyone who has Swell Left Arm buff

Sorcerer: Given that we invested on SPR, getting some extra damage from Summon/Salamion won’t hurt to compensate our investment. The main reason of this rank though is the cat buff: -10 Seconds on SP Regen Time the most important one.

Rune Caster: Rune of Destruction is still pretty decent when there are many monsters.
Rune of Justice has a cool sinergy with Warlock’s Mastema (+100% Holy damage).
Rune of Protection will grant you and your party status resistance but also Critical Resistance thanks to the SPR attribute.

Warlock: The main point of Warlock here is because of the +10% damage to Dark Skills you use (attribute).
Yet, Pole of Agony and Invocation do work quite well already at C1 (especially since the C2 warlock nerf on evil spirits of time ago). This also opens the opportunity to Warlock C2 at R10 in case we won’t like Shadow3 or any new class.

Shadowmancer2: I guess there’s nothing to add here. It’s the real core of the build while all the other ranks before serve it.

pyro2 thamua1 sorc2 necro 1 tshadow 2 <3 my shogoth damage is even bettr than my demon damage so dunno why ppl going for sorc3 and pyro3 is not so good atm thats why i prefer thauma1 (aftr rebalance patch meyby pyto 3 will be good)

Wow! cool to see so many builds!
Looks like geting at last 1 sorcerer circle is the way to go, probably getting sorcerer 2 seens like a good way to have some good extra damage. One question that comes in mind, what is the best distribution for a Sorcerer-Shadowmancer, Full Spr ou a mix of Spr and Int? (if a mix, how much of each did you find good?)

Some other general questions:

  • For those without cryo or linker in their builds: Do you find the lack of mob gathering skills troublesome?
  • For those with pyro 2/3 on their builds: Do you find yourself using pyro skills (other than Fire pillar) normally? Do Fireball/Flamewall/Flameground (whenever one your build use) do some worthly damage?
  • For those with Full Spr builds without Thaumaturge: Do the shadow skills still do a good damage?
    (I know that good weapon should help mitigate the damage loss, but I my best weapon is a +6 Windia rod and I don’t think i will get a better one much sooner…)

I like this,

is linker C1 worth it/useful enough? or shud i opt for Warlock C1 at rank7?

If you’re adding sorc into the mix, I’d say full SPR.

Sorc summons damage scale off of SPR, and going full SPR would help you maintain Shadow’s insane SP consumption. Shadow’s multipliers are already so goddamn high, going full SPR wouldn’t really gimp your damage in my experience.

Better go full spr if you put any sorc, thaum 1 swell arm can also give some matk for a full SPR build at around 50% efficiency compared to going full INT without swell arm level 5.

Fire pillar as you probably already know is good CC and decent damage, as for the others I don’t use fireball or flare anymore. Firewall and Flameground is still easy enough to just drop as fillers so they’re not so bad. Enchant Fire is a decent buff that also scales with some spr.

I’m thinking of resetting to warlock myself as well for the dark damage attribute mainly (+10% dark dmg multiplier) + some single target potential with theurge and PoA. The build already has enough area damage with ride+shadow skills.

EDIT: I’m just holding on to this build in case we hear some news regarding wiz balancing before reset event is gone.

I went wiz1 - Pyro 2 - Thauma 2 - Sorc 2 - Shadow 2.
I do use Fire wall often, as a filler. Also, enchant fire is good for buffing party (and is good for that multiple hit attribute from shadow conjuration). But pyro is there mainly for pire pillar, since getting linker 1 just for a lvl 5 JP doesn’t seem beneficial to me. Besides, with shrink body, any skill can do good damage (and in case of fire wall, it can reduce medium and big sized monsters AoE for more hits too).

You can do Thauma 3 - Sorc 1 too, but in parties, you will encounter another thauma 3 often (it’s pretty popular right now) that can give better buffs to you. With Sorc 2 you get to ride your summons (that Unlimited Aggro Works), and change boss card easily. Also, Bats 10 is a good burst damage. With thauma 2, I already have shrink body in a good level, and that’s the main reason to get thauma for me.