Tree of Savior Forum

Non-chrono full support wizard

I want to make a support wizard for ET but don’t really wanna go chrono, so I was wondering if there are other viable options. I don’t mind being a bit more niche then the meta build, but if all the other class combinations are straight up worse then I’ll just make a CCSage.

I was thinking something like:

  1. Cryo3 - Linker2 - X - Sage
    With x being a c3 linker or maybe a circle of necro for decay debuff. Does linker do anything usefull in ET though?

  2. Cryo3 - Kino3 - Sage
    Psychic pressure + Ice wall, and gravity pole as a poor mans Frost pillar when it’s on cd?

  3. Pyro3 - Thauma3 - Enchanter
    Full buffer, doesn’t seems to good though.

  4. Cryo3 - Thauma3 - X
    But this is probably the case where Chrono3 would be strictly better right?

I don’t have any experience with wizard builds so please help.

For your build, the best is to take linker 3 as X. But wether or not your build for ET is good is another question. I also do not think your class choice is that good because linker is more of a solo class than a party class now.

for a full support non chrono build, i recommend pyro 1 link 3 thaum 3. This is due to thaum c3 boosting party damage by quite a lot and linker providing random damage spikes with JP. linker c3’s lifeline is not very good but i cant say it is bad.

I dont know of any parties willing to take a non chrono or meta dps wizard, but then again, i join ET runs as a cryo 3 kino 3 RC.

A - Pyro1-Linker3-Thaum3 (Pure Support)
Pyro1 for Enchant Fire to deal with multihit objects in some levels.
Linker3 for sharing stats to further thaum’s buff, linker3 joint penalty is a minor feature in ET can be ignored.
Thaum3 for Swell Buff of course, and Shrink Mobs for faster clearing and Emergency Easing, and Reversi some bosses magic circle but it is tricky.
*Unless your team have no transcend at all, else linker3+thaum3 is not really require

B - Cryo3-Thaum3-RC/Enchanter (Support with Burst DPS capable)
Cryo3 for FrostPillar CC of course, but in certain situation/bossing you can put out some super high matk icewall with icerune so your team member can melt boss in no time, it also good to use in mobbing level but ensure not blocking your teammate.
RC for melt boss/Enchanter for physical class support synergy with your freezing ability and taoist

C - Pyro3Thaum3Enchanter
Been there, done that, not recommend for this, the pyro’s enchant fire buff and enchant lightning buff quite negligible. Good thing is firepillar but frost pillar is much better.

D - Pyro2Thaum3Warlock2
Personally i’m using this, as a hybrid support-dps, PoA/Mastema can kill things pretty fast while Invocation very helpful. Mastema to buff holy damage also good for cleric dps.

Not recommend anything with linker, cryo3kino3sage is perfect for PvP but not optimum for ET, still good but not optimum since you don’t need that much CC, if RC you might still shine in boss level.

So, imo B>D>A>C for alternative of non chrono3

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Thank’s for the help, I like the cryo thauma build. Seems it might also be a good at world bossing? Could you also explain how frost wall works, does it do dmg when hit or something?
As for skill distribution I’m thinking something like this

Full int or full con and transpose for some high hp memes with rune of giants.

I suggest taking points out of subzero shield, its not useful in pve. Maybe give it to ice bolt or ice spike.

Rune caster is not a very good class without surespell and even then it is quite lackluster.
Rune of giants disables a lot of skills from other trees, This makes the buff useless.

The build is not very good for bossing unless you have an inquisitor with breaking wheel for your icewall or a kino.

If you want a cryo support, then maybe cryo 3 thaum 2 warlock 2. It is not very support oriented because of warlock circles, but frost pillar into Pole of agony and mastema. Mastema debuff attribute for holy property damage is good for clerics. Swell left and right arm for dps and shrink body to help out even more.( it is also future proof, rank 9 warlock 3 and rank 10 thaum 3 or some other hidden class)

Well, I guess I can just start leveling a cryomancer and see how it goes and decide the exact build later.