Tree of Savior Forum

No walk while WASD with mouse request

Hi there, I was looking for a way to turn off walking with mouse clicking but haven’t found any and dont think there is. So I figured i’d ask at least to see if it can be made as a option. This will allow players to WASD a mages and rangers and keep their distance when clicking targets without having us rushing toward a monster because it moved half a hair and we miss.

Also on a simular note, i dont know if theres a way to turn off auto-attack when you double click but it makes retreating challanging when your charactor think he should be blasting away. A toggle option for this would be nice too, but this is very seconday.

Thank you for your time :bow: I look forward to playing more.

I usually walk the opposite direction to where I am shooting. Ex: shoot to the right side of screen while pressing A to go left. And usually when I dont hold the mouse button my character stops auto attacking and I can move away, jump away. Is it possible you’re having difficulties due to lag? Not trying to undermine, I just play a lot with ranged classes and never had issues except for the moments of lag, but I haven’t been to super high level maps yet, so I’m just wondering is it the mobs? Have you always felt that way, or you’re bothered by it more as you level? I guess I’m just curious and would like to understand your situation better.

Im not having problems myself with it I fight just fine and i have no lag as far as i can tell, but i’ve brought this topic up because it makes since for the set up of the mouse and also because even if i correct myself theres a chance it can be fatal to my team if i end up walking into a monsters attack while im trying to attack it at range but instead walk into the punch.

Convenance of game play for the player is why settings were made

I see makes sense. I personally like to change between using WASD and mouse while playing. However I hope they consider your option, since turning the option on and off won’t change much for me, but may help others. If not. I know the hotkeying information should be in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\release folder, at the worst case you probably can find out if you’re allowed to change it there. hotkey_mousmode is the file you would be looking for, you can open it with notepad and adjust it yourself. But before you temper with it, I suggest you ask IMC if it’s permitted or they might consider that a hack.