Tree of Savior Forum

No one talking about giltine bugs

Berserk and their guild is the most guilty of this. Look at what happened to their ranking post patch.

When was the last time they’ve gotten r1 jsr since?
Now it’s just FMC and Impetus people getting r1 in jsr. Guess they need something so potato mechanics wise to maybe have a chance at r1 jsr.

Every other guild in klaipeda sees it, it’s laughable…

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Narci said they recorded that first clear mind sharing so we can see that sorc damage?

Giltine raid: *exists
Snowflakes: This raid is bugged because i cant finish it.
Players who devoted themselve spamming and studying mechanics: *finished the raid
Snowflakes: mehhh they abuse bugs, I dont know what bug it is but they abusing that bug.

Seriously, crevox’ team are all top rankers and devoted to studying and sharing theyre knowledge to yall peasants. It’s no surprise if they’re the first who finished this raid.
When our homies finished Giltine Raid Hard in tels some weeks ago in Tels, everyone is happy, proud and motivated. Why other server/people cant be like that?

People keeps pointing fingers and accusing, but when the accused defend them self with solid proof, they gonna pull the trap cards called “i dOnT cArE”, “imc wOnT cArE” or just plainly dodge the point and present some old issues that are not even relevant.

PS: ok you can brand me Crevox’ dog now since i defended him…but hey, being a dog might be better than being a salty butthurt nobodies that keeps accusing abuses on top accomplished players

Edit: Quite a bold thread from someone who just joined the forum 22hrs ago :rofl:


Exactly @Koala , it’s funny because the easy raids in this game don’t compare to other MMOs, but people still want to cry and undermine people and have raids nerfed to the ground so they can finally do it.

Bit of experience as I run guild raid version regularly, haven’t cleared party though so limited experience. There is no doubt Giltine is buggy as all hell. The issue is these bugs are detrimental to people who are trying to clear. Messages don’t show up denoting mechanics, heretic does way more than it should. The horrible server lag doesn’t help either.

The next party to clear Giltine also used a (very wonderful) sorc and finished about a week later at most. Not to throw my friends under the bus but you can at least be fair if you’re going to accuse people of cheating. The fact that you singled out one party instead of addressing the issue with the class, or multiple parties that downed her with a sorc makes me suspect your motives :stuck_out_tongue:


what about melody abusing severity bug? explain pls thx :smiley: ! :smiley: why dont you say something about that oniwaban?

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To be fair, the fact that the OP started this so-called bug report by including Telsiai and NA instead of talking about the actual “bug” in the first place makes me think that y’know … maybe this isn’t the brightest begrudged Telsiai player (probably) around.


fyi on sorc bugs

  1. higher % to proc crafted arks (fixed)
  2. each summoned minion can individually proc divine justice ark
  3. severity, juoda applies twice on summoned(fixed in ktos not sure if its fixed here)
  4. relic bug(?) imc didnt say its a bug but said its a system change
    성물 해방 버프 해제 시, 소환 개체의 공격력이 버프 전 공격력으로 적용되도록 변경됩니다.
    when relic buff deactivated, each summoned minions attk/mattk goes back to before applying the relic buff. (not a bug lol)
    addition on 4, its not only relic buff that has this problem. Any matk + buff (such as miko,thaum,appraiser buff) also causes this problem. You can see this in ktos jsr rank. All sorc pts take miko ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
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not a bug , its “Feature” haha . XD .

but anyway, congrats to those who cleared giltine hard raid. good job XD

Narci said Sorc is giltine killer correct? Tree of Sorcerer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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