Tree of Savior Forum

No especific time, just all day long 1v1 PVP arenas =D

That would be nice, easy to queue, fine to know your counters and preys, awesome for end game content =D

No rewards required, just plain fun PVP random training. =D


Duels is what I would tell you and IMC as well.

So GL with getting 1v1 arenas.

I approve this idea. Tree of Savior has many classes and builds, each one of them serves different purposes, although, they shouldn’t strictly stop a player from enjoying a certain aspect of the game, call it PvP or PvE content.
Classes that i consider, would do much better on a 1v1 scenario would be:
Murmillo, Fencer, Doppelsoeldner, Hoplite, Shinobi, Hackapell, Hunter, Rogue, Sadhu?, etc etc.
Also, i would allow Dispellers and Miko’s dispeller inside TBL, the fact that certain CC’s stop entire class builds and well geared players to actually do something, made lots of people plainly stop queuing up. And it’s reflected nowadays on how many 5v5 each server has on a daily basis, almost none.

What i disagree with OP is about not rewarding players, it would end up like RO’s arena, which is most of the time empty. It’s sad but true, you need to encourage people to PvP or few to none will do it. Ex: War declarations.


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Scout /Hunter builds would win all the time.

Cloak and call off your companion then when your near the target call the companion out and use rush and retrieve.

You will forever trap bc you can’t stop retrieve even if you dodge it or block it.You will be stuck while the companion drags you and it’s on a low cd and long skill duration which can allow hunters to spam it none stop until you die and they can use sp pots if they have to.

Bloodletting,Beak Mask or prophecy can’t stop it bc it’s a rank 10 AS.

Yes +1 to this.

Please implement <3

You have a point, but look the picture as a whole. Your class performs great at 5v5? queue up there, or maybe your class does better at 2v2 and needs some kind of partner. Perhaps, you’re a lvl 330 with stage 10 weapon and you don’t feel like you need anyone to carry or help you.
There’s always a class that’s gonna rekt 99% of the other classes on TBL, call it Cleric or Scout + insert a cheap build, but give people the possibility to try it out. Balances eventually will come, maybe not.

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Then MvM or Party VS Party.

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Yes but remote random duels while you are doing something else instead =D

It would be great for IMC even to see what is too unbalanced and what isnt, as mentioned the hunter infinite stun lock and such.

Anyway just a suggestion that I would really love <3