Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

Ok 400k for you since you’re my friend XD

If you will choose this pornstar…

I’ll ask all Clerics in the server, to say the Last Rites for you :laughing:

oh -_- so sad…its fine…I just hope someone did buy those tokens hehe

Nope Nope Nope
Nope x 100 to the whole reply

Sure??? OK i’ll give you Catacombs Rapier + 1 Pornstar friend of mine just buy my 5 Tokens!!! hahaahahahahahahahahha! :laughing:

Too bad for you, I already have Catacombs Rapier :grinning:
Just give me Lolopanther rapier and I might just accept :sunglasses:

hahahaha! too bad for you too, it’s untradable :sunglasses:

Sad lyfe hahaha
Give me Venier then :grin:

sad life I traded it for Pentamion XD

Wow so it’s tradeable for Petamion
Gotta hunt for 2 then xD
But wait, how did you get Venier if you’re just a level 150+? @_@

Someone sold it in a cheap price…and I took advantage of it :wink:

Man tough luck
Guess I should do more market sniping after Rank 7 xD

you should…there are people who mistype their prices for example brandish recipe the player meant 1.4M but instead he typed it as 140000
pretty cool huh??? hahahahahah! XD
not my fault :stuck_out_tongue:

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I WOULD WANT THAT :laughing:

Oh and I’ll update this thread regarding the scroll of writings tonight

Thankfully I need 9 more Colifly Stamens
I should be able to achieve that in just 1 hour of grinding thanks to Jolly Roger :sunglasses:

Maybe it was due to lag XD
It was an issue before…

Ok you may post it here dude

Yep I know hehe… more silvers! more items! too greedy to be a pirate hahahahahaha!
Good luck buddy :wink:

Y’arrrr pirates are greedy for some treasure!

Oh and you do have a point there regarding the lag
When I am typing in chat and I get a lag spike, the character that I pressed doesn’t get registered at all. Crazy system haha

That’s where I got Venier, Magas Sword, Catacombs Rapier, especially Max Pentamion Recipe :wink:
imagine Max Pentamion Recipe cost only 200,000 silver instead of 2M :stuck_out_tongue:

It happens sometimes…that’s why snipe in the market all the time and buy recipes and materials or items that are really cheap, no the cheapest thanks to the lag :wink:
It’s not even exploit. It’s not even your fault. The player should have double check the price before selling it…

Time to snipe all day and night :joy:

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Good luck buddy :wink:

#May the Shadows be with you

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“From the Shadows, I come” - Dark Templar

Any info regarding this item?

It’s Desert Outlaw…
Head Accessory 1

I have no idea wherer to look at that… It would be cool if it’s bigger than those d@mn tiny hats in the game hahahah!

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