Tree of Savior Forum

Newbie Wiz - Quick Question(s)

Hey guys- So I’m super new to this game and have done some research but there is just so much information it’s hard to figure out which spec is good for what.

Question: I seem to be mostly a solo player who wants to get into the dungeons when my level allows. What do you think would be a strong build that would fit a solo/dungeon player and not become useless later (i.e. no one wants in a party due to circles etc…)?

If you could - could you link the build calculator w/ your suggested build(s) and how to distribute attribute points. I get super lost w/ that stuff (i.e. Pure Int or 3int 1con etc…)

Thank you for your time and I’m sure this has been asked in the past but I appreciate your responses :3

Instance Dungeon/Mission - anyone can get a party since people just use auto-matching

Party Field Grinding - 3 classes that ensures you get a party are Elementalist 3, Linker 1+, and Chrono 2+. Those 3 just put you in demand and “energise” people (as in… it makes people less lazy and will want to continue grinding) but anyone can get a party

High-level Soloing - can be very difficult for wizards. To be able to do this you’ll need to have really high magic attack/bursts and pretty good defense. Cryomancer, Sage, Thaumaturge 2, and Psychokino 3 can help make soloing a bit easier by bringing defensive buffs or CC, but these are classes that are not so commonly used in dedicated DPS builds.

So yeah just pick what style interests you and ask the forums again if that build works. Most of the time you’ll be asked to stick a circle of Linker in it.

I’d recommend going pure INT and not to neglect defenses. Like… really invest in it

well there are three paths for a viable wizard.



Hybrid (damage/support)

For the damage build you will have to include Warlock2 pretty much

Support should have Chrono3 for the most easy party find, Linker3 is second on the most wanted support spells list.

For the Hybrid there are allot of options and combinations.

Some more populair viable builds:


The above is easy to level and great support everyone will be your friend for parties.


Another build that is great for finding parties but the crowd control and party boosts is traded for raw damage and the ability to spread that dmg over big groups of mobs.

The above two builds seem to fit your description the best, hope this helps.

Edit for your INT:CON ratio

Simply go with full INT untill you feel like you need some more defenses to not get one shot, from reading around the forum it seems most people take about 40-150CON in their build.

Personally I have Sorc so I can’t afford any points outside of INT but might be picking some other ranks soon with the reset

Awesome thank you two for some good tips!

xxflash112: How do you like Sorc btw? I heard it’s like the only “true” pet class or something? Are Sorc strong?

Most popular build in game: Wizard 3 Elementalist 3 Warlock 2 = great AoE, great dmg.

Support builds: Wiz1 Cryo3 Chrono3 Sage1 - where ppl can modify cryo or chrono at their will for Linker or Kino depending on preference.

If you aim for diferent builds, as a wizard i recomend this:

Stat Wise, ppl recommend having 30 - 50 CON and once you reach high levels it really depends on the Physical and Magic defense you can get from your gears, gems and set combos. With this con you should easily get to 17k HP which is pretty normal.

If you are aiming for a RANK over RANK 4 (like sorcerer) a very good soloing build is Wiz3 Link1, this allows you to kill monsters in any map with the Magic Missile - Joint Penalty combo. Then you can just build whatever you like. Also Wizard 3 gives Quick Cast with attribute which amplifies magic damage done to target by 50%, and even sorcerer pet’s benefit from it.

Following this pattern tehn you can find things like: Wizard3 Linker2 Necro3, Wizard3 Linker1 Thauma1 Necro3, Wizard3 Linker1 Sorcerer1 Necromancer3… and many other combinations you can imagine.

If you are interested in Sorcerer, and mostly around summons, I suggest either Sorcerer 1 or 2 only, sorcerer 3 is usually not worth being able to take Warlock or Featherfoot.

A build i would personally recomend is: Wiz3 Linker1 Sorcerer2 Warlock2. Sorcerer and Warlock deals Dark property damage, and warlock increases by it’s attributes dark property dmg in a %.

Sorcerer1 allows you to summon a Devil Boss to fight by your side, and sorcerer2 allows you to command it more and Ride it. Riding the Summon should increase it’s damage based on your INT and MATK, and will allow you to cast de Boss skills at will, seems pretty good.

I will link here a Sorcerer2 in Ktos doing high lvls map,s it’s sorcerer linker with cryomancer.

She uses Rexipher and Templeshooter cards here, Usually templeshooter is the most well rounded and best Sorcerer Card, if you really expertise at it you may summon different bosses for different uses. Bear in mind this Korean has really high MATK gear, so matching her DMG is gonna be hard, it’s just a proof that it can work in high lvls.