Tree of Savior Forum

Newbie wiz attribute question

Hi everybody! I just downloaded this game and made a wizard but I’m not really sure about how I should distribute my stats. I heard some people say its s good ides to just put points into con for a while or would it be better for me to focus on int?

I mainly want to do pve, probably solo since I don’t have many friends who play this game. you can get buncha builds here, make sure if you’re going pyromancer remember "Agny Necklace"
int is useless go con you’ll understand it once you reach 240 and start transcending items.

INT/CON distribution depends a lot on what classes you plan on taking. Keep in mind that some skills scale with INT, so having low INT may hurt you even if you get magic damage from weapons (ex. Summon damage for Sorcerer depends on your INT, Thaumaturge needs high INT to take advantage of Swell Left/Right Arm and Transpose, other skills may also be changed to scale with INT in the future).

IMO, spend enough points to hit at least 100 total CON, and then from there it depends on your personal comfort. If you feel like you need more CON/can’t afford +HP hats to make up for it, invest in more CON. Otherwise, the rest should go into INT. Defense is far more valuable than CON’s HP in the long term, so get good armor with lv4~6 defense gems socketed later on and you should be okay.

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Int and Con is the only 2 status you need.
Int for damage (all wizard skills are int based, int=mattack, damage = skill attack+mattack)
Con for survival
Don’t ever think about spending points in something else (unless when doing exotic builds, not good for starters)

Try leaving spare points to put into Con when you feel that your hp is too low,
If you need a guideline at level 277 I have 75 allocated points into Con.
not 75 points total It’s 75 points spent, they multiply and turn into more than 75.

A bit off topic now
you like wizards right?
so if you want to play a wizard you should seriously consider playing a cleric as they are better wizards than wizards their-self.
unless you want to be a support character.

I started with wizard then changed to cleric.
My wizards are just afk farm alts now, to give silver to my cleric which is by the way a druid, something I really thought was supposed to be a wizard but isn’t.

tldr; Magic offensive clerics are better wizards.

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Clerics are better wizards, nuf said.

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Thank you for being upfront and telling me this. You probably saved me a lot of frustration because cleric sounds more like what I was looking for.

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They also have much better build diversity and every rank1 has very good things to offer(oracle, pd, kabba for pvp), unlike wizard, where all good stuff is in rank3. Want dd? Go cleric2-smth-sadhu2-druid3(damage is affected both with atk and matk) Want some aoe clear? go pd2. Want some party rare mat farming for endgame? go oracle-kabba2.

Yeah, I’m playing with a friend and decided to go with a PD build. I went two circles into cleric and then bokor, found a pve PD build I want to try. Its a lot of fun so far, did my first dungeon!