Tree of Savior Forum

New ToS player!

Hi guys!

I’m new to the game and am interested in rolling a mage!

I’d like a support char with not too shabby dps late game, and was thinking about the following combis after researching a little.


I read somewhere that kino and cryo got nerfed real bad endgame so was looking to ask around for which combis are preferred by parties endgame.

Would be a great help if anyone could also advise on how i should distribute stat points as well as class skill points for whichever combi recommended.

Of course i’m very open to other recommendations outside of the above 3!

Thanks so much!

Forget the first one. You never go for Chrono without C3. Pass is just too much DPS for the party to not take it after C2.

Dont th ink you can do much wrong with the other 2.

The 2nd seems cool :relieved:

Cryo3-Linker2-FF is a viable one. Rare but certainly viable.

Thanks for the advice guys!

Just hit cryo 1 now, so contemplating between cryo 3 chrono 3 and cryo 3 link 2 ff/warlock 1!

Would anyone be able to explain the benefits of a cryo3-linker 2 -ff/war? Also other posts seem to indicate that ET parties prefer having cryos & chronos over linkers, but i could have misunderstood (sorry real newbie here!).

regardless of cryo3-chrono3, or cryo3-link2-ff, would a full con build be advisable?

Your first build doesn’t make much sense at all, since you’re getting 5 ranks for a support build and then going to Lock.

The second, I wouldn’t go for a FF build without surespell, it’s not viable. If you change it for Wiz2/Cryo3/Linker/FF would be better at least. Not trying to discourage you if you really want it, but it will not work as you want without surespell.

Your third build is ok.

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I hear ya!
Am thinking of going full support with a cryo3-chrono3 build!

Would it be more advisable to go full CON(as from many posts i’ve read) rather than have a mix of CON and INT? Or would you recommend a more balanced 2:1 or 1:2 CON-INT / 80 CON and rest INT allocation?

Is the emphasis on CON due to the cryo3 chrono3 build having negligible damage and thus the need to have more health to survive a PVE/PVP fight?

You will be wanted on EVERY party, everybody will want you, but, you will not solo. If you’re a solo player just forget this build :pp

I would go 4:1 con:int at least. You don’t really need int, most of the times you will be casting support skills

Would questing be an issue?

Also gearwise, if solo is not possible it might be difficult farming for silver to buy gear. Would you have any advice to perhaps guide me in a direction whereby I can go cryo3-chrono3 and be able to afford average gear?

Cryo’s only damage is snowrolling and ice spike, both do low amounts of dmg and snowrolling has a high cooldown. So you got no dmg skills practically. People use cryo for its ice tree and snowrolling cc’s.

Chrono only use is run speed + attack speed, so basically this will result in you being a fast walker + a bit more attack speed.

The char is full support, you will have a hard time leveling with this.

If this is your first char, i would honestly not advice to get this. Its a fun second or thirth char to have. But you will need to kill countless of monsters in this game specially at higher level, where hp goes up and up. You are better off getting a farming class that can kill things fast aoe basis.

It will, but if you have a friend or even ask someone to help you, it’s not hard. Cryo + chrono is one (if not the best) of the bests support builds actually and most people will want to be your friend when you get 150+.

It’s better if you have a alt to farm, but you can farm silver on grind parties too, it’s not like a solo farm but still pretty decent, just don’t accept parties with individual loot, you’re the king here and you can choose whatever you want. :pp
For a alt, i would recomend going with scout3 or wiz3ele3, it’s not hard leveling with both classes, and will not consume much of your time. The fastest class you can get for farming silver if i remember right is a diev2, you can go to RM constructor chapel when you reach you rank4, lvl 79 if i remember right, and you will farm ± 100k per hour just sitting with your owl.
Also, if you want another wiz to make silver without playing it i would recomend going with alchemist, it’s a painfully class to get, but you will never regret.

Thanks for the advice guys!
@maflores diev/alchemist sounds like an amazing gold farmer! Will defo look up guides on it!
On the other note, what does it mean by farming silver on grind parties? does this mean Silver is shared as loot? Individual loot would be like boss farming?

I stay with my opinion, full damage build as first char will provide you faster leveling, and faster money gain. Party’s you can also do with full dmg builds. I wouldn’t take 2 support classes as first character. You will be leveling like a crawl solo, and party play is always there for anybody.

Thanks gatygun! Will get a damage class. Any recommendations?

wiz3/ele3/wl1 is a good one, for wizard solution. everybody wants one, and the clear speed is really fast.

If you’re wanting to make a damage build wiz, I recommend looking into the wiz3/ele3 builds, I’m also a fan of pyro builds myself but that’s just a personal preference.

:slight_smile: Mostly I just wanted to say welcome to the game!

Thanks for all the advice! Its nice to know theres such a wonderful community within this game (:

I’m playing on Varena as UB001 if anyone else is on that server (: